When you do a split, you're changing the number of shares for everybody, so it can have no effect on the ratio for anybody; it's just purely appearance.
The company's workforce split ratio matches revenue — 22% of its money comes from Apple's (AAPL) App Store, the largest contributor to Gameloft's balance sheet.
Dr Whiteside found the ratio yawed around like a drunken sailor as the continents split apart and the lava started pouring out.
The houses, split into five main categories, are arranged based on a predefined ratio of living types.
The flow rate, electromechanical rotation rate and split ratio are the main operational parameters which can affect the separation characteristics of the compound hydrocyclone.
The definitions of parameters of axial compression ratio and shear span ratio of split columns were given.
The relation between splitting tensile strength and compressive strength and the effects of steel fiber types and volume ratio on behavior of the deformation of split failure are discussed.
It is indicated that the split ratio has a relative small effect on the cutting size while the semi cone Angle and sizes of overflow and underflow orifices have very large effects.
Reasonable operating parameters, such as flow rate, flow split ratio and pressure drop, are worked out, and the field technological process of the hydrocyclone is investigated tentatively.
The experimental results show that the split ratio and feed rate are two important operational parameters for the pulp fiber fractionation with cylindrical hydrocyclone.
After research on the fractionation of softwood BC TMP pulp fiber by a cylindrical hydrocyclones, a new knowledge of the relationship between split ratio and flow field in hydrocyclones was gained.
The ratio of split tensile strength to compressive strength of concretes containing different combinations of FA and SF or GBS and SF were 0.063 to 0066.
The split ratio had little influence on the mean droplet sizes at the wall of hydrocyclone.
The results show in the region of high efficiency ratio for torque converter operation, power-split transmission efficiency is always better than that of torque converter transmission.
The split ratio is lower as small as possible on condition that the technological requirements are fulfilled.
The high-aspect-ratio flying wing eliminates vertical tail and conventional rudder, and uses instead a split drag rudder with large deflection as its directional control surface.
The high-aspect-ratio flying wing eliminates vertical tail and conventional rudder, and uses instead a split drag rudder with large deflection as its directional control surface.