Should You Splurge on Color or Clarity?
Why don't we splurge on a visit to a day spa instead?
You could also splurge on thick plump pillows on a wrought iron love seat.
Remember: you are ruled by the feet-so splurge on some great walking shoes!
One day she decided to splurge on horse-jumping lessons at a local riding stable.
Save up some cash and splurge on that amazing purchase or take some unpaid time off.
I wear the same clothes every day and the only thing I used to splurge on was DVDs.
I'm confident that there's enough in the bank for a splurge on a great pair of shoes.
When he has saved up again, he plans to splurge on a digital camera or flat-screen TV.
Why do we splurge on a lavish meal but cut coupons to save twenty-five cents on a can of soup?
You might splurge on a big-screen TV, or you might splurge by going to a more convenient gym.
I used to splurge on everything and have four closets for clothes, two for accessories and three for shoes.
You can wear the same great glasses every day, so you get the most bang for your buck when you splurge on them.
"We may not be able to buy luxuries any more, but we can still splurge on small pleasures like chocolate," he laughs.
A splurge on signings would only make sense if it was calculated that the disaffection of fans was liable to be even more costly.
Unlike the Desi 3d printer that I'd build entirely from scratch, this time I decided to splurge on some decent off the shelf parts.
I advise clients to splurge on a few must-have classic items that can set the tone of a room, like I did with my Saarinen dining table.
Impulse buys can be a waste of money — especially if you splurge on a pair of black pants, only to see your ten other pairs when you get home.
If I really needed a pick-me-up, I would splurge on food that wasn't on my regular grocery list, such as fresh cherries or quality cheeses.
Whatever Britain eventually decides to splurge on-be it more Typhoon jet fighters, aircraft carriers or armoured cars-bae is likely to be a key supplier.
For a faster face-saver, splurge on laser treatments or the new eMatrix, which uses radio frequencies to accelerate the skin’s own spot-fading, healing process.
Dong and his wife had just bought a 200-square-meter apartment in a luxury section of China's capital and were prepared to splurge on a pair of eye-catching commodes.
This is a time when it is difficult to stay within a budget or on a diet, as your tendency is to splurge on beautiful things and to enjoy yourself as much as possible.
Though nationwide spending has slowed on fears of a slumping economy, this set is continuing to splurge on pricey home improvements, wine and spirits, cars and clothes.
Though nationwide spending has slowed on fears of a slumping economy, this set is continuing to splurge on pricey home improvements, wine and spirits, cars and clothes.