I do not know any society members who can sponsor me. Can you waive the member sponsor requirement for me?
According to Jensen, only about 30 percent of direct-sales consultants sponsor a new member of their downline within the first 90 days.
You will need to provide sponsor forms from two regular members of CFA Institute, one of whom must also be a member of your preferred society.
If a member of your family insists on coming to see you, notify your SPONSOR are coordinator and make sure that the visit occurs at he end of the program year.
Any guild member can sponsor these events at any time by talking with their guild's Arbiter of Honor.
通过公会内的仲裁npc Arbiter of Honor,任何公会成员可以在任何时间赞助公会活动。
Please note that you may not be able to sponsor your non-accompanying family member (s) in the future if they do not comply with immigration requirements with you at this time.
As a token of appreciation for a member who successfully sponsors a new member, the Institute is pleased to present to the sponsor a bottle of wine of superb vintage.
I do not know any society members who can sponsor me. Can you waive the member sponsor requirement for me?
A family member of the applicant is not necessarily disqualified from acting as a sponsor, but this relationship must be declared on the sponsor form.
The new member participates certainly must have the sponsor to accompany the participation, makes the question explanation and the mood impetus.
The new member participates certainly must have the sponsor to accompany the participation, makes the question explanation and the mood impetus.