The systems considered above are what biochemists call "exergonic", they are fully spontaneous processes.
This must be brought into the picture, along with the performance of thermodynamic work cycles that link spontaneous and non-spontaneous processes like an engine.
The spontaneous emission phenomenon of an excited atom is one of basic processes in quantum optics.
There are basically three processes for interaction between a photon and an electron in a solid: absorption, spontaneous emission, and stimulated emission.
The law states that entropy increases during irreversible processes such as spontaneous mixing of hot and cold gases, uncontrolled expansion of a gas into a vacuum, and combustion of fuel.
That tells us the direction of spontaneous change for ordinary processes, chemical processes, mixing and you name it, under conditions that are easy to achieve in the lab.
Hayek's "spontaneous evolution" is one of the most important paradigms to analyze the processes in which rules are framed.
The adsorption processes were spontaneous and irreversible with heat evolution. The increase of temperature was not benefit to the adsorption.
The adsorption processes were spontaneous and irreversible with heat evolution. The increase of temperature was not benefit to the adsorption.