Sporadic cases of chikungunya have been reported since mid-February.
Its prevalence and sporadic cases often happened in Asia-Pacific area.
Though polio has been practically wiped out, there have been sporadic cases of the disease.
In epidemiological terms, there is generally a background of sporadic cases, with occasional outbreaks.
The Herpes simples viruses that has been found in sporadic cases of upper and lower respiratory infection.
Meningococcal disease is endemic in Delhi and sporadic cases of meningococcal meningitis have been occurring in Delhi in previous years.
In Hungary, human trichinellosis has not been reported for many years, however, sporadic cases were recorded in swine over last 2 years.
The situation in Yei is stable and improving daily with the last reported case received on 20 March and only sporadic cases appearing in the town.
Conclusions Genetic causes account for about half of presumed sporadic cases and nearly two thirds of familial cases of childhood-onset hypertrophy.
The 1968 pandemic began relatively mild, with sporadic cases prior to the first wave, and remained mild in its second wave in most, but not all, countries.
After the worldwide SARS epidemic in 2002-2003, sporadic cases continued to arise in southern China, possibly because of human contact with the animal reservoir.
For five long years, countries in several parts of the world have been closely responding to outbreaks of H5N1 avian influenza in animals, and sporadic cases in humans.
Second, while there were sporadic cases in the past, the virus has now centralized in some areas, especially in remote places which lack facilities to deal with the disease.
H5N1 virus has been identified in poultry outbreaks in Nigeria and similar to other affected countries, sporadic cases of human infection with avian influenza are not unexpected.
Applying such controls particularly in hospitals, industrial sites, hotels, leisure centres, etc will greatly reduce the risk of legionella contamination and prevent the occurrence of sporadic cases.
Prior to the present outbreak, Angola was not considered to fall within the geographical “hot zone”, thought to be in central and eastern Africa, for outbreaks and sporadic cases of this rare disease.
In general, cases of oseltamivir resistance have been geographically dispersed, sporadic and not linked to one another.
This experience has also shown that continuing circulation of the virus in birds carries a continuing risk of sporadic human cases.
Further sporadic human cases and occasional family clusters can be expected considering the current spread of outbreaks of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza in poultry in some Asian countries.
Unless this situation is urgently and comprehensively addressed, sporadic human cases will continue to occur.
The continuing occurrence of sporadic human cases indicates that the virus is continuing to circulate in birds in at least some parts of the country.
Further sporadic human cases can be anticipated.
The strategy would cut the estimated number of AIDS deaths between 2008 and 2050 by about half, from about 8.7 million to 3.9 million, leaving only sporadic HIV cases.
Most cases appeared sporadic, but family history may be misleading.
Most of the cases are sporadic but several inherited familial syndromes account for around 5% of all colorectal cancers (CRC).
Methods 26 cases of MTC underwent surgical treatment were retrospectively reviewed, including sporadic in 24 cases and familiar in 2 cases.
Familial cases have been reported but most cases are sporadic.
Familial cases have been reported but most cases are sporadic.