Only the females of this cold-water fish sport a distinctive Pinocchio-like snout.
Trawl net, purse Seine, Fish Pond Nets, set net, light net, drag net, golf net, used for catching and breeding in deep sea, Shallow sea, Inland river, Inland Lake and used for sport net.
Chinook salmon are popular with sport fishermen and account for over 60% of the fish caught in the Lake Ontario boat fishery.
In addition to purchasing fish in a store, wild fish may be harvested for personal consumption by sport anglers.
In addition to providing food through harvesting fish, modern fishing is both a recreational and professional sport.
Fishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything.
The mainly productions are the " Finefish " cast net, the tour recreation sport net , the fish line, the rope, the fish net, and the net box which keep the fish , etc.
The mainly productions are the " Finefish " cast net, the tour recreation sport net , the fish line, the rope, the fish net, and the net box which keep the fish , etc.