Sport psychology is the study of the human mind as a means to improve sporting performance.
PE exercise and psychological health is a new subject in the field of sport psychology study.
Sports skill transferring is an important sport Psychology theory, and is widely used in sports teaching.
Exercise dependence is a topic gotten more attention in research field of sport psychology in recent years.
It should include sport psychology, physiology, anatomy, biomechanics, biochemistry, theory of exercise, and so on.
There is a growing interest in the links between sport behavior and various cultural traditions in the study of sport psychology.
This paper expounds the significance of sport psychology research, and analyzes the development trend of sport psychology research.
20th century since the 80's, a great many sports experts and scholars are attaching an increasing importance to the research of sport psychology.
The attention research about athlete is one of the research topics that the sport psychology realm has the application and theories value most always.
The discussion of the relationship between physical building and mental health is a hot subject widely explored in contemporary exercise and sport psychology.
As more and more attention on self-presentation in the field of sport psychology, the shortage of the measure implement be - comes the obstacle in the process of researches.
In the indexes of sport psychology, the cognitive anxiety, sport intelligence, volition and braveness have the important relation with the sport ability of the basketball athletes.
SEHS incorporates the traditional disciplines of anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, psychology and nutrition, which are studied in the context of sport, exercise and health.
The characters of sport participation are two different contents and the relation of body and psychology.
Based on survey and test, the students psychology in physical culture an sport the aspects of their interest, motives, causes of disliking physical courses and choice for sport.
These findings connect the potential application and relevance of EEG psychophysiology to the study of sport and exercise psychology.
Influences of the changes on training of psychology and physique, skill and tactics of the sport, and status in the world are analyzed.
The significance of persistence in sports and exercises has made it sport commitment a hotspot in sport and exercise psychology.
The forming process of sport morals can be divided into 5 parts according to the method of psychology, perception, memory, thought, emotion experience and will activity.
The study of coping about sport injury is an important progress after the intermediary element has been drawn into the study of the stress and the psychology health.
Exercise Psychology is an application discipline, which develops with the prosperity of Sport for all, serves for the mass fitness and offers some psychological guidance for the Sport for all.
Exercise Psychology is an application discipline, which develops with the prosperity of Sport for all, serves for the mass fitness and offers some psychological guidance for the Sport for all.