They were saddled with "take or pay" contracts that obliged them to buy fixed quantities of gas far above what they could sell and at prices way above those on the spot market.
This handed an advantage to some smaller European utilities with interconnections to the British spot market when, in 2008, gas prices suddenly fell. Their bigger rivals meanwhile suffered.
During the depths of the financial crisis some steel mills refused to honour their contracts, buying cheaper ore in the spot market.
The idea was to make the country less dependent on the spot market in case of trouble by taking stakes in various energy projects around the world.
Iron ore prices on the spot market – for immediate delivery – more than doubled over the period, although they have since fallen back.
To head this off Egypt, the world’s biggest importer of wheat, as well as Tunisia, Algeria and Jordan, have all reacted to the Russian ban by buying extra wheat on the spot market.
A recent threat by Rio Tinto that it could give up quarterly pricing and leave steelmakers at the mercy of the spot market may persuade them to lose their inhibitions.
The spot market for agricultural commodities, which is fragmented among 7,000 local markets or mandis, would also benefit from more centralised electronic exchanges.
The spot market for agricultural commodities, which is fragmented among 7, 000 local markets or mandis, would also benefit from more centralised electronic exchanges.
February 14th saw the launch of SpotCloud, the world's first spot market for cloud computing.
While the options market is small, it serves as an indicator of longer-term views because its participants tend to look further into the future than those trading in the spot market.
In the spot market, the currency traded at 6.8313, compared with 6.8309 yesterday, according to the China Foreign Exchange trade System.
This role needs to be peeled off, you need to come out of a relatively neutral body structure, culture and Equity Exchange to undertake local cultural role as the spot market needs to pick up.
For Nippon, the implied $72.50 per tonne, including freight costs, represents a 7 per cent premium to the spot market – a small price for guaranteed supply.
With the ability and environmental management efforts to strengthen the supply side of the contract, the short-term spot market prices will promote price shocks become the main theme.
With the ability and environmental management efforts to strengthen the supply side of the contract, the short-term spot market prices will promote price shocks become the main theme.