Requested by the user can engage in the processing of raw materials; can also spot sales.
Facing with the opportunities and challenges, creative design apply on the garment have become a hot spot sales.
The spot, which cost just under $2, 000 to craft, won numerous big-game ad polls, and sales of the snack increased during the weeks surrounding the game.
According to Euromonitor International, Haier has ascended to the top spot in global appliance sales, commanding 6.1% of the world's white goods market.
Until recently one bright spot had been upbeat official figures for retail sales.
The one bright spot in the market - smaller cities - helped propel nationwide property sales, in terms of floor space, up 13 per cent in the first half from the previous year.
And HP, which recently seized the top sales spot in the U.S. from Dell, is focusing on making greener packaging.
Xfire made a wise decision in hiring an AD sales person early in its lifecycle to help educate advertisers about the Xfire service and value of the AD spot.
Sales of Michael Jackson's music have skyrocketed since he died suddenly last Thursday, returning the late pop star to the top-selling spot he held more than once during his career.
自迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)上周四突然去世以来,他的音乐专辑销量猛增,将这位已故流行歌曲之王推上了畅销榜榜首。杰克逊在自己的演唱生涯中曾经不止一次登上过这个位置。
The spot, which cost just under $2,000 to craft, won numerous big-game ad polls, and sales of the snack increased during the weeks surrounding the game.
One of the most competitive prices, flexible mode of operation, the shortest delivery cycle, first-class after-sales service is our advantage, companies have substantial conventional spot.
The recent spike in sales were not enough to send The Cuckoo's Calling to the top spot in the official UK top 50, instead landing it in third place.
With the aid of on-the-spot investigation, the principle of runs test and P-P plot are applied to the study of sales income of a supermarket in Kunming.
But until now, most has focused on meeting red-hot local demand, which has made China a bright spot for U. S. automakers amid lackluster sales at home.
Although the automotive sector has remained a major bright spot in the economic recovery, output growth has already far exceeded sales growth.
Without the forward sales of real estate, the volatility of the spot price of private residential property would enlarge under the condition that supply falls short of demand.
Without the forward sales of real estate, the volatility of the spot price of private residential property would enlarge under the condition that supply falls short of demand.