The size of the spring box of this steam turbine's EH actuator is relatively so big that it is difficult to assemble and disassemble and it affects the efficiency of assembly and maintenance.
The present invention relates to a plate spring box component which includes a inner pressure ring, a external pressure ring, a inner mantle ring, a outer mantle ring, a plate spring and screws;
My imaginary Grandma's Box worked like magic that spring, and later.
There was one exception: a line of beds that used so-called memory foam instead of a standard mattress and box spring.
Mark Zumberge: Basically a seismometer is a box with a spring with a mass hanging inside, and as the ground shakes the mass goes up and down.
The first thing people should do is encase their mattress, box spring and pillows with bedbug certified mattress encasements.
Gerard bent cautiously to the rat’s box—would it spring out, bite him, then scurry away across the floor to live behind the baseboard forever, like some cartoon incarnation?
They saw her white shape draw near to the spring-cart, on which her box was already placed.
Early the next spring, the wise man had a plan. He took four young men with him to the iron box on wheels. Each man led his donkey.
One day I called a meeting, and I was in the spring So I had a heavy fever. So I made a classical mistake of bringing a box Kleenex next day to the room.
Although some popular frameworks, such as Spring and Struts, work out of the box on GAE, many others either do not work or require patches to their source code.
We anticipate that scoped beans will be useful in the context of SOA and batch processing, and expect to add further scopes out of the box in future Spring releases.
Spring provides this capability out of the box, thus enabling developers to focus on creating business value.
Spring 2.0 adds a "jee" namespace out of the box, including the tag allows us to perform the same JNDI lookup as follows.
Spring 2.0添加了一个方便的“jee”命名空间,其中包括允许我们执行同样的JNDIlookup的标签,就像下面这样。
After moreover on this section of Christmas musical box spring, on swing's penguin will also toss.
Elaborates QD2853 generator electronics brush box spring place originally forming die flaw and makes improvement.
阐述QD 2853起动机电刷盒弹簧座原成型模的缺陷并进行改进。
After a study on this hypothesized spring beam, a method for analyzing warping torsion on spot-welded thin-walled box section beam has been presented.
The Machine consists of up-down stamped screen box, vibrator and shock absorber, 4-speed vibration-reducing metal spring connects body to base in symmetrical position.
And how was your watch winders? The crown generated energy is sent to the spring, spring accumulation in the box.
Sweet spring, full of sweet days and roses, a box where sweets compacted lie, my music shows ye have your doses, and must die.
Spring has been back. Let's open the bee box where there's so much honey stored over the winter.
Packing box adopts advanced import imitation leather fabrics, spring clamshell boxes. And equipped with painted wood, acrylic enchase stereo stents.
In order for you to share a good coffee or tea with you friends during the Spring Festival, TRIBE has prepared you a coffee/tea new year gift box just for you.
Now there has just to be carried out some plastic surgery at the brain box, where the spring at the accident at the Hungaroring hit his helmet.
With beautiful package design, rich variety and a discount, Wedome's French Cookies gift box for Spring Festival serves as a good gift.
To explain elastography, Ophir likens the body to a box-spring mattress, but "a crazy mattress made out of millions of small springs and each one is a little different."
Of a box structure and a lever-petal type spring-pressuring structure used for pressure transmission, easy to be adjusted , operated and maintained.
Of a box structure and a lever-petal type spring-pressuring structure used for pressure transmission, easy to be adjusted , operated and maintained.