Andrew didn't spend his last spring break relaxing.
It happened that the plant downtown needed eight kids for temporary help during our spring break, for which I had no plans beyond listening to my favorite records.
It used to be teens would have their nose fixed during summer vacation or spring break, but now they want to go back to school with their splint on.
It is their Spring break from school, so they will stay with me until next Wednesday.
I went on a Carnival Cruise to Cozumel for my last Spring Break hurrah during college.
Or maybe you won't take a trip for spring break because your parents want to save money.
Come on guys, every year it's the same. I'm stuck here with you and miss all the spring break fun.
Touch the sand, open a bottle of Coke, let us start Carnivalization it: free your passion, your spring break!
By Spring Break he'd gotten sufficiently sick that his doctor basically said, "You can't continue in school anymore.
When Elizabeth announces she's going away for Spring Break, Ross misunderstands and thinks she's asking him to go with her.
With that anarchic spring break spirit comes an iconic spring break style, one that reflects Florida's own eccentricities.
This time, I came to Manhattan to visit the New York University, which is the first stop of my college tour in spring break.
My friends and I are sick of all the winter weather. That's why we're thinking about heading down to Florida for spring break.
Each trip is commemorated proudly with a photo of employees beaming, usually poolside, in shorts and sandals as if on spring break.
Many students will go on a trip during spring break, to go skiing, to visit nice places, to see somewhere they have never been before.
Even as I type this, it is spring break and I will be taking some extra long lunches this week in order to interact more with my child.
College Students on spring break and individuals in high-stress jobs often present symptoms after a night or weekend of heavy drinking.
When the college students were on the bus to Fort Lauderdale for their spring break, they noticed a mysterious-looking man in a nearby seat.
There are many parties during the weekends of spring break as students have time to get together with friends and forget their responsibilities.
His stepbrother, a fifth-grader, "seemed older" at spring break, "almost in that age where he kind of wants guidance, like a big brother," Sannes said.
Street-Styling NYCity This past spring break, I escaped the boring clutter of everyday life, and went to New York for a breath of fresh photographic air.
The first was after Valentine's Day -- that holiday has a way of defining relationships, for better or worse -- and in the weeks leading up to spring break.
The Facebook page of the University of Northern New Jersey last had a post on March 5, announcing the school would be closed until March 18 for spring break.
A person with a full-time job will put in a good 40 + hours per week, and students enjoy every possible vacation day plus spring break, winter break, and summer vacation.
Situation: Emily and David are discussing their plans for this year's Spring Break. Emily isn't happy with her friend's ideas, but David has an alternative solution.
Situation: Emily and David are discussing their plans for this year's Spring Break. Emily isn't happy with her friend's ideas, but David has an alternative solution.