This style does not require the Spring IoC container.
这种风格并不需要Spring Ioc容器。
It offers several ways of using Spring IoC container for injecting dependencies into the web components.
它提供了用Spring IoC容器往We b组件注入依赖的一些方式。
The BeanNameAutoProxyCreator class is part of the Spring IOC framework and automatically creates bean proxies.
beannameautoproxycreator类是Spring IOC框架的一部分,可以自动创建bean代理。
The proxy is the same object created by the Spring framework that I explained in Step 4 of " Spring IOC takes over."
该代理就是我在 “Spring IOC发挥效用”步骤4 中解释的由 Spring框架创建的同一个对象。
If you want to create a proxy bean, the Spring IOC framework requires you to configure an instance of a proxy creator bean.
如果希望创建bean代理,Spring IOC框架要求您对代理创建器bean的实例进行配置。
The Spring IoC container normally USES XML files for the dependency information, and the cxf-servlet.xml file in Listing 2 is an example of such a Spring configuration.
Spring ioc容器通常为依赖性信息使用xml文件,清单2中的cxf -servlet . xml文件就是这种Spring配置的一个示例。
I then used a simple example to show you how the IOC pattern (as implemented by the Spring IOC container) works to integrate disparate systems in a loosely coupled manner.
然后我用一个简单的示例演示了IOC模式(由Spring ioc容器实现)如何用松散耦合的方式集成分散的系统。
Spring can help you solve this problem by providing an Inversion of Control (IoC) infrastructure, allowing you to inject connection management implementation in dependant code.
Spring可以帮助您解决这个问题,它提供了反向控制(Inversionof Control,IoC)基础设施,允许在依赖代码中注入连接管理实现。
Because Spring and Geronimo both use IoC as their core pattern of design, this level of configuration separation is now possible.
Spring's IOC implementation uses dependency injection to effectively "invert control" from your application code to the Spring container.
Spring的IOC实现使用依赖性注入有效地将控制从应用程序代码 “反转”到 Spring 容器。
Further IoC container extension points that make it easy to build frameworks or products on top of Spring.
In a larger system, I would use an IOC container like the Spring framework to configure classes and aspects.
Resource and provider instances are typically defined as Spring beans that automatically gain IoC and other Spring functionality.
If you are using an IOC model already (Guice, Spring etc.) then migrating is usually a lot easier.
如果你已经使用了IOC模型(Guice, Sprint等等),那么通常迁移会容易得多。
In the previous installment of this series, I introduced the seven modules of the Spring framework, including Spring AOP and the inversion of control (IOC) container.
It also explained the methodologies that the Spring Framework is based on and IoC, the core pattern used by both of these technologies.
A container (in the case of the Spring framework, the IOC container) is then responsible for hooking it all up.
Now you need to configure Spring so that the IoC beans expose their services through Web service interfaces.
IoC framework and IoC beans: Spring ACTS as the IoC framework on which you'll host each of the beans implementing the task layer.
I started by discussing the seven modules that comprise Spring's layered architecture and then offered a closer look at two of them: Spring AOP and the IOC container.
Aop (" aop ") : Specialized tags allow aop configuration to be much more concise in Spring 2.0 than previously, without the IoC container needing to depend on the aop framework.
aop (“aop”):Spring 2.0中专门的用来aop配置的标签比以前更加简洁,Ioc容器不再需要依赖aop框架。
The Spring framework USES the Type 2 and Type 3 implementations for its IOC container.
The Spring framework USES the Type 2 and Type 3 implementations for its IOC container.