Ignite hopes and spring thunder follows by.
Kindles the flame of hope in my heart, which resounds with spring thunder.
Soon after the spring thunder passed by the rural ponds, the sound of frogs was awakened in the field.
Its eternal fervidity lets me light up the roaring flame of desire and break out the spring thunder of heart.
Let us wipe off the sweat of youth and stride forward, listening to the spring thunder throughout the journey!
Let us wipe off the sweat of youth and stride forward, listening to the spring thunder throughout the journey!
Spring Thunder last night breezes, rain Xiaoxiao, vividly under heavy rain, in the first month there this weather is really rare, only show that early spring is coming.
Spring machine equipment to make reliable grounding protection measures in power in the process, such as grounding protection and effectively protecting rain thunder lightning electrical components;
There are four spring-like tropical rainforests, nerve-jangling desert landscape, thunder-and-lightning garden, forceful and majestic trees... there are all kinds of plants about 3000-5000 kinds.
有四季如春的热带雨林,有惊险刺激的沙漠园林,有鲜艳夺目的花园,有挺拔雄伟的树林……每个园林争奇斗艳,树木葱茏,共有形形色色的植物约3000- - - 5000种。
There are four spring-like tropical rainforests, nerve-jangling desert landscape, thunder-and-lightning garden, forceful and majestic trees... there are all kinds of plants about 3000-5000 kinds.
有四季如春的热带雨林,有惊险刺激的沙漠园林,有鲜艳夺目的花园,有挺拔雄伟的树林……每个园林争奇斗艳,树木葱茏,共有形形色色的植物约3000- - - 5000种。