If you were on normal SQL Server, you might consider using SQL Profiler.
If you were on normal SQL Server, you might consider using SQL Profiler. You'd be able to see what is getting executed against the database.
Note that the IBM Data Studio Developer tool offers a debugger and an SQL profiler component that can be used to analyze execution of SQL PL procedures.
The simplest approach is to use SQL Profiler. There is "Deadlock graph" event in the "Locks" event group you can use. Click on the picture to open it in the different window.
A user name and password for a user who has sufficient privileges to start and operate a statement event monitor as well as to create a schema where the SQL Profiler holds its local data.
某用户的用户名和口令,该用户拥有足够的权限启动和操作语句事件监视器,以及创建模式,而SQL Profiler将在该模式中保存其本地数据。
In previous articles, I have described how to find performance using the SQL PL Profiler and logic problems using SQL Procedure Tracing.
The SQL Procedure Profiler (or simply SQL pl Profiler) tool can be set up as an applet accessible through a Web browser, or it can be set up as a standalone application.
既可以将SQLProcedureProfiler(或简称为SQLpl Profiler)工具作为applet安装,并通过Web浏览器来访问,也可以将之作为单独的应用程序安装。
The SQL Procedure Profiler (or simply SQL pl Profiler) tool can be set up as an applet accessible through a Web browser, or it can be set up as a standalone application.
既可以将SQLProcedureProfiler(或简称为SQLpl Profiler)工具作为applet安装,并通过Web浏览器来访问,也可以将之作为单独的应用程序安装。