SQL Server 2008开发者版.
Enable SQL server network protocols.
激活s QL服务器网络协议。
Close the SAEM (SQL Server) utility.
关闭SAEM (SQL服务器)效用。
Enable the SQL server browser service.
激活s QL服务器浏览器服务。
SQL server database administrator tasks
Enable remote connections for the SQL server.
Select the SQL Server hostname \ instance name.
SQL Server 2008 comes in the following editions.
此次发布的SQL Server 2008有如下版本。
This tool supports SQL Server 2005, 2008, and Azure.
该工具支持SQL Server 2005、2008以及Azure。
Backward compatibility components for SQL Server 2008.
SQL Server 2008向后兼容组件。
So, we're using SQL Server 2005 and.net 2.0 right now.
因此我们现在使用了SQL Server 2005和。NET 2.0。
This login must be associated to a SQL Server database user.
登录必须与SQL Server数据库用户相关联。
Typically this is just the SQL server name, such as myserver.
SQL Express is a free, lightweight version of SQL Server.
SQL Server 2008 is a much better choice for a database system.
SQL Server 2008作为数据库系统,是一个更好的选择。
Platform Layer - nodes hosting the actual SQL Server databases
平台层——托管在实际SQL Server数据库中的结点
A vendor example of this scenario is Microsoft SQL Server.
这个场景的一个供应商示例是MicrosoftSQL Server。
NHibernate will return long for count(*) queries on SQL Server
NHibernate在SQL Server上查询count(*)返回是长整形(long)
The second is the SQL Server provider that I mentioned earlier.
第二个是前面提到的SQL Server提供者。
Figure 6 illustrates how to create an SQL Server 2008 login name.
图6展示了如何创建一个SQL Server 2008登录名。
Note: This performance counter is selectable during SQL server installation.
Additionally, SQL Server 2012 offers a new version of Express - LocalDB.
此外,SQL Server 2012还提供了一个新版本的Express——LocalDB。
Relational databases such as Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server are non-temporal.
关系数据库如Oracle或MicrosoftSQL Server是无时态的。
SQL Server utilizes as much RAM as allocated to it to expedite responses.
为了加速响应,SQL Server将使用你分配给它的所有内存。
Note in SQL Server 2005, the user may receive the following error message.
注意:在SQL Server 2005中,用户可能会收到以下错误消息。
You must enable remote connections the SQL server instance. Follow these steps.
Ideally, the SQL server should be running on a server dedicated to this task only.
This task is accomplished by using the Encyclopedia Manager for SQL Server utility.
This task is accomplished by using the Encyclopedia Manager for SQL Server utility.