Packed as densely as 300 to the square yard.
And the panels have to stay dust-free: just a seventh of an ounce of dust per square yard of panel can decrease solar power conversion by 40 percent.
Both the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests and the Circular Mound Altar are round, each standing on a square yard, again representing Heaven and Earth.
The forests of British Columbia, Unesco says, are home to more life per square yard than anywhere else on Earth: elk, wolves, hawks, bears… Yet there was barely a bird in the trees.
The auditorium is separated from the school by a square yard. The school is an unobtrusive four-storey block, to which the expressive form of the auditorium forms a strong contrast.
But such places often come with lots of dust. And the panels have to stay dust-free: just a seventh of an ounce of dust per square yard of panel can decrease solar power conversion by 40 percent.
She sat chained in a van outside Scotland Yard all one Christmas, in 1974, while a friend blew the lights on the Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square.
The design aims to break the conception of big shopping mall and market, it provide new possibilities for visitors and meanwhile emphasis the relationship between streets, square and yard.
Along the axle wire, the entrance square, main entrance and the greening of inner yard spread in turn. They integrate with each other so that to create elegant environment.
The large living room and adjoining sunroom form an open-plan space totaling nearly 750 square feet, with walls of windows facing the yard and pool.
At least, he saw it from some angles. It looked as if someone had cut a patch out of the air, about two yards from the edge of the road, a patch roughly square in shape and less than a yard across.
When the great square of blank wall that was to go had been cut loose, she had the thrill of pushing it out with a crash into the yard.
For all the enclosed compound 10642 covering ancient castle, (16 acres) square meters and a building area of 4175 square meters, six yard, 20 small courtyard, 313 houses.
At the back was a small bricked house-yard, and beyond that a big square, gravelled fine and red, and having stables on two sides.
At the back was a small bricked house-yard, and beyond that a big square, gravelled fine and red, and having stables on two sides.