Because the squirrel cage rotor real structure is considered, the model can be used to simulate the motors normal state, external faults and broken bars and rings faults exactly.
The rotor losses in a high-speed asynchronous generator were calculated for a thermal analysis of a special rotor made of solid steel combined with a squirrel-cage.
The rotor winding may be either of two types, the squirrel-cage type or the wound-rotor type.
A method to detect squirrel cage induction motors with broken rotor bars and static eccentricity is presented.
The approach is also applied to the rotor bar breaking fault detection for squirrel cage asynchronous motor in this work.
A rotor unbalance experiment is carried out on a three phase squirrel cage induction motor.
This paper introduces a method for calculating the temperature rise of rotor bars and end rings of squirrel cage induction motor during starting.
Comparing with general squirrel-cage rotor induction motor, the ratio of start torque to start current ideal is also improved remarkably.
The paper presents a method of processing the stator current of squirrel cage induction motor with broken rotor bar. The method is based on the theory of adaptive filter.
The motor rotor shall be of squirrel-cage design and constructed of die cast aluminum, fabricated copper or their respective alloys.
This invention provides a kind of high starting torque squirrel cage type asynchronous elecric machine. It is composed of the stator 14, rotor, ends coverings, shaft bearings, etc.
This invention provides a kind of high starting torque squirrel cage type asynchronous elecric machine. It is composed of the stator 14, rotor, ends coverings, shaft bearings, etc.