Deuterium is a heavier and stable isotope of ordinary hydrogen.
Even Francium's most stable isotope, Francium-223 only has a half-life of 22 minutes.
钫的最稳定的同位素,钫- 223也只有22分钟的半衰期。
However, the quantitative interpretation for stable isotope in speleothem needs further research.
To determine the content of Chloramphenicol(CAP) in honey using stable isotope dilution technique.
To determine the content of Chloramphenicol (CAP) in honey using stable isotope dilution technique.
Remarkable progress in stable isotope geochemistry solved many difficult geological problems effectively.
The origin of dawsonite is emphatically contrasted and analyzed by stable isotope composition of dawsonite.
The stable isotope composition of Ancient marine carbonate rock approximate reflect the stable isotope composition.
The quantitative research of climatic factors by Oxygen stable isotope is an important aspect to probe in this paper.
The stable isotope composition indicates that their rock-forming fluid is the seawater, meteoric water or primary water.
As an applied technology in modern ecology research, stable isotope technique has been prosperously applied to the ecological fields.
The ability to quantify differences in protein expression and post-translational modifications using stable isotope labeling has been achieved.
The longterm preserved specimens and fossil insects, when used for stable isotope analysis, can expand the temporal scale of these studies greatly.
The stable isotope of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon are reinterpreted. The relationship between isotope constituent and paleoenvironment is understood.
Objective: The metabolic characteristics of resistant starch and its regulative effect on glucose response were studied by native stable isotope technique.
As new stable isotope systems, the premise and key of using them to constrain important issues is to understand its fractionation mechanism and process adequately.
The highest known magic number for neutrons alone is 126. Lead, with 82 protons and 126 neutrons, is thus "doubly magic" and the heaviest stable isotope in the periodic table.
The characteristics of stable isotope indicatedthat the ore-forming material was leached from the wall rocks ; and the ore-forming fluid wasmainly supplied by meteoric water.
Based on researching of the age, rock types genesis, gold content and the stable isotope composition of the complex, the relation between the deposit and the complex is discussed.
The present study made a detailed carbon and oxygen stable isotope analysis on the lacustrine carbonates from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation, Yixian, western Liaoning, NE China.
The combination of enriched stable isotope tracer studies and activation analysis techniques has become an ideal and reliable technique, especially in the fields of biology and medicine.
Although the easier ionization of radon leads one to expect the most extensive chemistry for that element, the high instability of even the most stable isotope has severely limited studies of it.
The dietary and movement history of individual animals can be studied using stable isotope records in animal tissues, providing insight into long-term ecological dynamics and a species niche.
And the vagaries of quantum physics mean that "too many" and "too few" sometimes overlap, and there is thus no stable isotope (or variant, with fewer or more neutrons) of a particular element.
The metabolic kinetics of branched chain amino acids (BCAA) and aromatic amino acids (AAA) in normal subjects and patients with severe viral hepatitis as studied with 4 stable isotope labeled tracers.
An isotope of carbon known as carbon-14 would also be stable, as would a form of oxygen, so the organic reactions necessary for life would be possible.
The stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope is an environmental isotope, which extensively exists in various kinds water.
Stable carbon isotope analysis is a rapid and reliable technique developed in recent years and may reveal many processes of carbon dynamics in plants.
"What it amounts to, " said Billings, "is that The Goose can convert any radioactive isotope into a stable one. It has developed the perfect defense against radiation sickness.
The technology of stable C, N isotope ratio is an effective method for geographical origin traceability of beef.