On a police stake-out, the action will only ever take place when food is being consumed and scalding hot coffees are perched precariously on the dashboard.
With so much at stake, the Inuit are determined to play a key role in teasing out the mysteries of climate change in the Arctic.
And I'm still hungry — I think there's a piece left in the kitchen. I'll stake out a claim for it, if you guys don't mind.
News Corporation already holds a controlling 39% stake in Sky, which grew out of a business that Rupert Murdoch built in the 1980s.
Repsol's dividends are still sufficient to pay the interest on the loan Sacyr took out to buy its stake.
Mr Allen eventually walked out of the company in 1983 (although he kept his stake in the business), leaving Mr Gates in sole charge of Microsoft, which then went on to turn both men into billionaires.
Let me stake out more precisely the narrow path that would allow Europe to pass through this minefield.
Goldman partners, he points out, receive a sizeable chunk of their pay in stock and are required to maintain their ownership stake until retirement.
Polls show most Americans are against bailing out GM, but if their own jobs were at stake I am sure they would have a different view.
Some taxpayers may be wondering if it would be best to delay selling the Treasury stake until GM’s recovery plans bear further fruit and its shares rise far enough to cancel out any losses.
Mr Saverin's equity stake is diluted for reasons that he strongly objects to and he falls out with the other owners, including Mr Zuckerberg, the company's chief executive.
At stake are hundreds of millions of dollars for programs to reduce the incidence of tuberculosis, prevent and treat H.I.V. infections and wipe out malaria.
Canada's prospectors have fanned out to stake claims in northern areas that were previously overlooked.
However, the buy-out group had previously said that Mr Peterson, 80, would retire at the end of 2008 and would be allowed to sell his stake in the listed vehicle immediately.
What seems to have happened is that Mr. Obama's caution, his reluctance to stake out a clearly partisan position, led him to propose a relatively weak, incomplete health care plan.
Of course Perry is also a movie-making machine churning out at least one film per year and he has a significant ownership stake in those films as well.
AAR wants to be bought out from TNK-BP but demands a stake in bp-not just cash-as part of the settlement.
AAR想要卖掉其在TNK - BP中的股份,但要求英国石油除了支付现金以外,还要给予其一定数量英国石油公司的股份作为结算价格的一个组成部分。
If a founder wants to sell his stake in a publicly traded buy-out firm, he is currently taxed at a capital-gains rate of 15%.
With the rapid growth of Web APIs, and the out-of-control proliferation of pseudo-standard ways to secure Web protocols, the bulk of our data is also at stake.
The next year it evolved into a freeze-out game with a $5, 000 buy-in, meaning that once a player lost his $5, 000 stake, he could not buy his way back in.
There was also a 330 per cent increasing in the meaningless phrase “best practice” and a 130 per cent increase in “roll-out” – which is excusable only when pastry or carpets are at stake.
毫无意义的短语“最佳实践”(best practice)的使用频率也上升了330%,“推出”(roll-out)的使用频率上升了130%——只有谈及糕点或地毯时使用这个词才有道理。
The LCD unit was originally a joint venture with Panasonic. Toshiba bought out Panasonic's 40 percent stake and changed the name to Toshiba Mobile Display Co. Ltd. in March 2009.
That basic human desire for a better life is at stake, as are prospects for lifting more than a billion people out of an eternal poverty trap.
In late 2007 Nissan beat out General Motors to become a "strategic partner" of AvtoVaz, a big but sickly Russian carmaker, taking a 25% stake.
In late 2007 Nissan beat out General Motors to become a "strategic partner" of AvtoVaz, a big but sickly Russian carmaker, taking a 25% stake.