"Marriage after graduation" members are those female college students who put their entire stake on marriage.
Wenger knows how much is at stake on Sunday but all he asks of his players is that they have no regrets when they leave Wembley.
A total of 440 seats are at stake on the various provincial councils in the election, covering the whole country except four northern areas.
However, at any rate, as I have a great deal more at stake on this point than anybody else can have, I think it rather unnecessary in you to be advising me.
The report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is clear on what's at stake and what needs to change.
The parties settled, with Saverin apparently getting a 5% stake and a cofounder bio on Facebook's site.
Relationship soured when Facebook sued Saverin for allegedly interfering with business and insisting on keeping 30% stake; Saverin countersued.
The company sold a 22.15 percent stake to investors on June 15, raising 15.5 million euros and giving it a market value of 71.3 million euros.
The ultimate payers of the corporate tax are those individuals who have some stake in the company on which the tax is levied.
TPG, Bain Capital and Goldman Sachs still own a sizeable stake in BK, despite listing it on the New York Stock Exchange in 2006.
尽管在2006年将其挂牌纽约股票交易所,TPG,Bain Capital和高盛仍旧拥有相当数量的汉堡王股权.
The Raju family's stake had dwindled to 5% or less on the eve of Mr Raju's January 7th confession.
Sacyr spent some6.5 billion euro (then $8.4 billion) on a stake worth just 4.1 billion euro now, having borrowed 5.1 billion euro to pay for it.
Pirelli lost more than 3 billion euro ($4.1 billion) on its stake in Telecom Italia, and the operator has proven a similarly disastrous investment for the present shareholders.
But the fact that Republicans are demanding that we literally stake our health, even our lives, on an already failed approach is only part of what's wrong here.
Their hopes rested on selling a substantial stake in Porsche to a Qatari sovereign-wealth fund and then negotiating with VW from a position of greater strength.
We know you may face very stiff opposition on this issue; however, the welfare of your project is really at stake here.
While the crisis primarily afflicts Greece, where French and German banks have most at stake, this abstention will be wearily tolerated on the continent.
When people start talking and questions of each other, they begin to have a stake in the outcome and take on ownership for the success of executing the governance program.
The quality of our lives is at stake when undertaking such large projects; some leveled approach is needed when working on these types of projects.
As such, what prosecutor wants to stake his or her career or reputation on a case that the jury is probably going to laugh at?
Tables play a pivotal role in delivering on the FIT promise of increased communication among stake holders, software agility, and software stability.
The exact size of the stake will vary depending on whether the company hits certain targets and Goldman decides to exercise the warrants.
The exact size of the stake will vary depending on whether the company hits certain targets and Goldman decides to exercise the warrants.