Being a writer can also be hard on the back; ask Philip Roth who often works at a stand-up desk.
It is a sure bet that at crucial moments America will be on hand to browbeat Europeans into taking action. The Federal Reserve will stand by to back the European Central Bank.
And there is always a mechanic on stand-by at the back of the car with a power-operated engine starter, ready for instant use if the car stalls.
But what we've never been able to do is stand completely outside the Milky Way and look back at it.
That's a deliberate snub right back at Palm, especially since Apple qualified it by saying an IM app running push only reduced the iPhone's stand-by time by 23%.
If you work with someone you despise (and who despises you back), and you try to understand why that person dislikes you, then you stand a chance of not hating every minute with her at the office.
If you take a quick look back at the diagnostic Groovlet in Listing 6, you might see where it could stand to be improved with GSP code.
As we stand at the beginning of the New Year, we can look back with gratitude and Thanksgiving to God for the way in which he been faithful to us - even though we have not always been faithful to him.
Well, a few problems actually. The exhibition stand is right at the back and it's tiny. And we have very few brochures and order forms.
My husband, who was the captain of the patrol boys in the eighth grade, has a tendency to hold out his arms at the curb: stand back!
It "s those people back there at the Pan Am, standing in the rain. They" ve got children. It "s Christmas." I can't stand it.
On the other hand, you're not going to stand back and refuse to do your best within an area that calls for skills you have at your fingertips.
The cultural introspect has a kind of modernism experience at the back glance and try to rebuild a perfect Chinese culture beyond rural culture and city culture from the stand of "love..."
To loosen your quadriceps, stand up, grab a foot behind your back, and pull that foot to your butt, keeping your knee pointed at the ground (figure 6). Feel the stretch through your quadriceps.
To loosen your quadriceps, stand up, grab a foot behind your back, and pull that foot to your butt, keeping your knee pointed at the ground (figure 6). Feel the stretch through your quadriceps.