Nobody knows the Arctic as well as the locals, which is why they are not content simply to stand back and let outside experts tell them what's happening.
Then we should stand back and applaud the winners.
The policeman asked the spectators to stand back.
All it needs is for you to stand back and trust your deeper intuition.
Stand back, please! 'The train was about to start, and I waved farewell to my friend.
If you find yourself in a bad situation, don't just stand back... run away from the place!
Le Ros did not stand back. He stood clasping in both hands the hands of the young American.
that we understand how markets work better, that we... ? or that we stand back and let them?
Stand back, Sir, please! 'He obeyed, but quickly darted forward again to whisper some final word.
If these lessons are to sink in, central bankers must stand back—as, by and large, they have done.
He cried out, and then climb up, stand back to the stool, took a put a bandage over his wound.
It is very difficult for parents to stand back when they see their child bullied by other kids.
I soaped up with the liquid hand soap until I felt as glazed as a ham. "Stand back and spray me."
Surgeons usually avoid to do operation for their relatives as they have to stand back to stay calm.
One person standing alone is easily attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer.
Once kids get big enough to reach the monkey bars on their own, your job is to stand back and watch them go.
You might therefore understand why we sometimes have to stand back, and allow your creations to work out.
Sometimes an administrator must stand back from day-to-day business to grasp the wider pattern of events.
"We're losing the ability to stand back and think, and to work smarter rather than harder," Jolly observes.
But now, when we stand back and we think about, for example, everything that's just happened in the financial crisis.
Just stand back, 'he growled, as he lifted himself painfully to his feet. Obviously his leg hurt him, and he sat down quickly.
My husband, who was the captain of the patrol boys in the eighth grade, has a tendency to hold out his arms at the curb: stand back!
If you doubt her word, try mentioning regulation to the boss of an American company. Then stand back and wait for the inevitable explosion.
Learn to stand back and let other take their turn as leaders. There will always be new opportunities for you to step out in front again.
If you get caught up in an emotional melodrama today, it would be wise to stand back from the situation in order to reassess your involvement.
It is tough, when you are giddily falling in love, to stand back and really examine your relationship with objective eyes, but we knew we had to.
It is tough, when you are giddily falling in love, to stand back and really examine your relationship with objective eyes, but we knew we had to.