The latency is based on the Late arrival stand off delay parameter.
延迟时间基于Latearrivalstand offdelay参数。
Patented contact-free height sensing, Sensual Pan, ensures accurate stand off to give improved cut quality.
Only minutes before Lincoln Burrows' execution, Bellick and Pope stand off to the side as two C.O.S strap Lincoln into the chair.
The effect of working parameters on the erosion performance of underwater jet is investigated, such as , simulated depth, stand off distance and exposure time.
Far more inexplicable is the decision to withdraw the Sentinel R.1 Airborne STand Off Radar (ASTOR) from service when it is' no longer required to support operations in Afghanistan '.
更令人费解的是让“哨兵”R . 1机载远程雷达(ASTOR)在“不再需要支持在阿富汗的行动”时退出现役的决定。
My brother, who knows his beer, recently reported a stand off at a pub in Soho when the landlord simply refused to replace a pint that both he and his drinking companion knew to be off.
The Strike Common Weapon Data Link Program, sponsored by the U.S.Navy, PMA-201, upgrades the Joint Stand Off Weapon (JSOW) and Harpoon weapon systems with a network enabled data link capability.
打击通用武器数据链计划是由美国海军精确对敌攻击武器项目办公室(PMA 201)发起,主要对联合防区外武器(JSOW)和鱼叉武器系统进行网络使能数据链能力的升级。
Due to mission profile , launched conditions and trajectory , maneuver chains for stand off missile are designed . instruction control model and maneuver model is setup for ucav flight simulation.
"I was turning the page to get ready for the next page, but the draft wind from the turn caused the spare pages to fall off the stand," Mr. Titterton said, "Luckily I was able to catch them and put them back."
Yet now that the stalemate is resolved and the deal signed, uncertainty is still rife-because the polarisation that made the stand-off possible is as sharp as ever.
THE stand-off over America’s debt ceiling has entered strange territory: pretty much everyone agrees the limit will be raised, but it is becoming ever harder to see just how.
THE stand-off over America's debt ceiling has entered strange territory: pretty much everyone agrees the limit will be raised, but it is becoming ever harder to see just how.
In theory, the Army could use such a system to approach targets covertly and drill through concrete, steel, wood, or other materials from a stand-off distance equal to the length of a football field.
With the economy declining and social discontent rising, a stand-off with the West might be tempting for Mr Putin's cabal-but ruinous for most Russians.
Awareness of the cost of this economic stand-off is mounting.
Indeed, the flora and fauna of Hawar have been the main beneficiaries of the stand-off between Bahrain and Qatar over the islands' ownership.
But it could leave the Security Council split and make an end to the stand-off with Iran harder.
His fearless, no-nonsense approach resolved more than one stand-off.
A tense stand-off gripped Thailand.
Now, with another nuclear stand-off and fresh uncertainties about succession, famine again stalks the country.
After a two-month stand-off the army moved in to clear the streets;50 people were killed in the resulting clashes.
The uneasy stand-off between the main players was a repetition of February's meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors.
After a long stand-off, a police Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team attempted to storm the bus but its members were held at bay by Mendoza, who police said used the hostages as human shields.
But as the stand-off wore on, armed police approached the coach and began to smash windows and the glass front door.
A 40-year-old man was arrested after a stand-off lasting several hours and remains in police custody.
Earlier, hundreds of youths were involved in a stand-off with riot police four miles away at Salford Shopping City.
Earlier, hundreds of youths were involved in a stand-off with riot police four miles away at Salford Shopping City.