As for her future, Yang Hui said, "I hope to stand up and walk one day after operations."
In case you were wondering, this monstrosity really is one word, not merely many different words squashed together—most of its components cannot even stand up on their own.
One site I came across used the analogy of a baby trying stand up by himself, hanging onto a table leg, and can't stand up.
And I believe that in my life I will see an end to hopelessness, giving-up and suffering. And we all stand together this one time then no one will get left behind. Stand up for life.
Seventh retrospective: Following our visit to one of the stand-up meetings, we realized that a knowledge gap existed with respect to concepts mentioned by team members at the stand-up meeting.
Stand up and go and do one thing that starts you towards your goal and expresses your commitment.
It is not difficult to do because it is a natural thing for all humans to execute just as one is chewing some food or learning how to stand up.
One called "rail Runner" requires patients to stand up and sit down to operate an old-fashioned railroad hand cart.
A few months ago, I attended one of his workshops where he showed a video of his first stand-up comedy performance.
When one of our friends announces she has to pee, we all feel obligated to stand up and chaperone her to the bathroom.
And when you find a lone nut doing something great, have the guts to be the first one to stand up and join in.
The bartender once again pondered the bet. The guy couldn't even stand up straight on two feet, much less one.
One, for instance, consisted of rods of various lengths and thicknesses with would stand up end like ninepins.
"Millions of Chinese citizens stand behind you," read one message that lit up Mr. Zou's cellphone.
An older egg will stand up on one end and if the eggs are REALLY old, they may even float.
And this is one reason for the recent experimentation with new performance appraisal techniques which presumably will seem fairer to all involved and will be more likely to stand up in court.
The guests watched and winced in absolute silence. So forceful was my grandmothers personality that no one dared stand up for me.
I just think that we're too politically correct, no one wants to stand up and say we don't need Michael Jackson.
The guests watched and winced in absolute silence. So forceful was my grandmother s personality that no one dared stand up for me.
One by one, each of the eight birds pulled sharply upward into a full loop and flew all the way around to a dead-slow stand-up landing on the sand.
The guests watched and winced in absolute silence. So forceful was my grandmother's personality that no one dared stand up for me.
And the rich world, troubled as it is, must never give up in its effort to help the poor one to stand on its own feet.
Go through all of your research and interview notes and look for one great quote or note that sums up your subject and has the ability to stand alone as a headline.
In a sense, only love money, in the eyes that only wealthy people would tantamount to wear one himself "the most heavy chains," no longer stand up.
"There might have been two Playbills in my house, one of them was' Purlie, '" he said, referring to the 1970s Broadway musical." I can't say I looked at it the way I looked at stand-up."
But the news overall is cheerier. And the rich world, troubled as it is, must never give up in its effort to help the poor one to stand on its own feet.
But the news overall is cheerier. And the rich world, troubled as it is, must never give up in its effort to help the poor one to stand on its own feet.