His stores stand to lose millions of dollars.
Yahoo! 's shareholders also stand to lose heavily.
If they're all saying you need to lose 20lbs, then you can probably stand to lose 20lbs.
If your database gets erased or corrupted, you stand to lose everything you have written.
Yet the vast majority in Africa are net-buyers of food who stand to lose from high food prices.
Our bodies, it appears, can't stand to lose more than 5 to 10 percent of their weight at once.
I could stand to lose a few pounds. Having a car has made me lazy. I never end up walking anywhere!
Disgraced athletes, of course, stand to lose a lot more than their MEDALS: corporate backers drop them instantly.
And with my photography I want people to understand that if we lose ice, we stand to lose an entire ecosystem.
On the other hand, sheltered industries know precisely how much they stand to lose if left bare and unaccommodated.
The moment it's tarnished you stand to lose everything - customers, sales, partners, and eventually your business.
Think about your motivation. What do you stand to gain from getting organized? What do you stand to lose if you don't?
The study threw up further bad news for divorcees - they stand to lose 10% of friends and are seen by some as a social threat.
It is, rather, by revealing the richness, antiquity, and complexity of our landscape tradition, to show just how much we stand to lose.
If we don't correct this situation, we stand to lose some existing customers, and the loss of reputation could hurt us in acquiring new ones.
Global warming is a real threat to many scenic spots. Many of the locals even stand to lose their homes due to the effects of global warming.
And stronger relationships are assigned higher interest rates, so the longer couples stay together, the more they'll stand to lose if they split.
With a stronger opposition now, they stand to lose their illegal sources of income and some may even be charged and sent to prison if they are found guilty.
Don't just talk about what your new employer will gain by giving you the job, but also respectfully point out what they stand to lose if they don't take you on.
Critics include Mark Stobbs, the Law Society's director of legal policy, whose members stand to lose by the proposals, and the House of Commons Justice Committee, whose members do not.
Dale helped the girl to stand up and said, "Cheer up! We may lose the race but we shouldn't give up! Let's work together to finish the race!"
If we fail to stand together, then the NPT and the Security Council will lose credibility, and international law will give way to the law of the jungle.
I stand beside John now, and cannot pretend to know how it feels to lose someone who is as close to me as Janet was to him.
Sorry, I didn't mean to lose my tamper. I just can't stand being misunderstood.
For so many years, I have tired to lose weight, I hate to stand in the mirror every day in front of taking a closer look, one can see a bit of fat to emerge, I fear that if the sky was falling.
For so many years, I have tired to lose weight, I hate to stand in the mirror every day in front of taking a closer look, one can see a bit of fat to emerge, I fear that if the sky was falling.