You were mistaken. You shouldn't stand your ground.
So stand your ground, and understand that the interviewer is being as insistent as you are.
Be prepared to stand your ground firmly, yet cordially, especially in the last few minutes of the negotiations.
Not every battle can be won, but every battle must be waged. This is the proving ground. Are you prepared to stand your ground?
No matter how uncomfortable it may seem, but you should screw up your courage to have an unpleasant conversation and stand your ground.
Stepping back when you're asking for a decision - conveys fear or uncertainty. Stand your ground, or even take a slight step forward with conviction.
As soon as he or she grabs for their drink, gets up to go to the bathroom or even reaches up to cover their mouth for a sneeze, swoop right on in there and stand your ground.
In fact, the shortcut on your side, that is diligent accumulation, stand on solid ground, willingness.
You are always ready to make personal sacrifices but can sometimes be too quick to give in to the needs of others when you would be better to stand your own ground.
Rule15: Your economic achievements will only stand on firm ground if you diminish corruption.
You could crawl with your stomach off the ground easily, and you liked to pull yourself up and stand. You liked to walk with help.
This will stand you in good stead this week, but firmly keep your feet on the ground or else you'll come across as being flaky.
To loosen your quadriceps, stand up, grab a foot behind your back, and pull that foot to your butt, keeping your knee pointed at the ground (figure 6). Feel the stretch through your quadriceps.
To loosen your quadriceps, stand up, grab a foot behind your back, and pull that foot to your butt, keeping your knee pointed at the ground (figure 6). Feel the stretch through your quadriceps.