The RMB1 economy pack includes a packet of toilet paper and a newspaper. The RMB2 standard pack has a Hongshuangxi cigarette and a lighter besides the economy pack items.
The features proposed in TR1 will most likely be included in the C++ standard, and their first implementation is found in the Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack. Some of the features implemented are
TR1是被提议添加到ISO 2003 C++标准中的一组特性,这些特性极有可能成为C++的标准,现在这个Visual C++ 2008的特性包中就含它的第一个实现版本。
Dutch advertising company will begin offering consumers a pack of five envelopes with free stamps next month that they can use for standard letters up to 20 grams.
That shocked consumers, for whom a pound of coffee had been as standard a purchase unit as a dozen eggs or a six-pack of beer, he said.
Illus Goggles are standard equipment for alpine journeys, but how can you keep them from breaking in your pack?
Thee problem is lithium-ion batteries, which have become the standard for portable consumerelectronics, including phones, tablets and laptops, because of the power they can pack into asmall package.
Party a shall pack their Goods with the standard package material in accordance with the National package Guideline.
Enterprises shall pack the product rationally; reduce the size of the parcel and the production of the packaging waste, in accordance with the national standard of packaging.
The gum will have to undergo rigorous trials in human subjects before it can be approved as a standard part of the military ration pack.
It is usually applies to pack light products and the products that do not request high standard in packaging.
If You Forget To Pack Any Standard Toiletry Item (Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Shaving Cream, Razor or Comb), Just Call The Front Desk and We'll get You a Complimentary Repacement Right Away.
If You Forget To Pack Any Standard Toiletry Item (Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Shaving Cream, Razor or Comb), Just Call The Front Desk and We'll get You a Complimentary Repacement Right Away.