You can't think out a number to describe the twenty-five standard deviation event; it's just too large a number for any of us to comprehend.
The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to compute the mean and standard deviation from a grouped frequency distribution.
How does the standard deviation quantify measurement scatter?
From the measurements, compute the mean and standard deviation.
The good news is the standard deviation, the red line, is trending downward.
Overall response time was 1.4 seconds with a standard deviation under 2 seconds.
A point estimate for the standard deviation of the execution time is 645.586 microseconds.
So how do these outliers and dispersion affect the values of the mean and standard deviation?
The mean adherence rate in the study population was 96.3% (standard deviation, SD: 7.7).
In fact, the warning at the end says that the standard deviation was not accurately measured.
So, how can the mean and standard deviation be used to determine which of two tasks is faster?
Not only have the averages decreased, but the standard deviation has decreased to below 1 second.
The most common statistic for describing measurement spread (or scatter) is the standard deviation.
描述度量值跨度(或者说漂移)的最常用统计技术是标准偏差(standard deviation)。
Thus, if outliers are present within the dataset the mean and standard deviation are located accordingly.
But if I would confine myself just to stocks and bonds, then I would get a much higher standard deviation.
There is an enormous average difference between women and men in this dimension, about one standard deviation.
See the Standard deviation measurement issues section in the article supplement, which explores this issue.
补充资料的Standard deviationmeasurementissues一节解释了这个问题。
Actually calculating standard deviation can be a little challenging, but luckily many performance tools can help.
It is the bell curve to which investors are referring when they talk about a "nine standard deviation event".
Comparing the ratio of standard deviation to the average for these two distributions shows that they are similar.
Standard deviation inaccurate: See the Standard deviation warnings section in the article supplement for details.
标准偏差不精确:更多信息参见补充资料的Standard deviationwarnings一节。
You can use it to turn your variance measurement into a standard deviation measurement, as shown in Listing 8.
For example, reports that include the average response time now also provide a standard deviation from that time.
Actually, a colleague and I recently discussed the importance of standard deviation and how it is often simply ignored.
Normally distributed data assumes that about 68% of the values in the sample are within 1 standard deviation of the mean.
What the standard deviation really tells you is that some set of users were + or - the test average (or arithmetic mean).
Using the average and the standard deviation, you can interpret that 68% of the attempts were between .2 and 1.3 seconds.
使用平均值和标准偏差,您可以说明,68%的尝试是在 0.2秒到 1.3 秒之间。
Since this overhead is static, comparisons are valid and the typical USES of standard deviation in performance testing apply.
Unfortunately, the measurement scatter is much higher; for example, the standard deviation could easily be three times larger.
In Figure 11, the overall average response time dropped by slightly more then half, with the standard deviation well under 1 second.