So it's a nice solution that a photon counter can be calibrated conveniently by the LED weak standard light source.
For both de-noising and being standard light source, the radiative physic parameters should be calculated accurately.
无论是去除噪声还是获取标准光源, 都需要精确计算其辐射特性物理参数。
LED light sources complying with these specifications are utilized as the source of illumination in lighting products that comply with the appropriate end-product standard as listed below.
The light source module, the reflector module and the power module are designed with standard modules, which are convenient to replace and reduce the cost of maintenance.
The standard configuration of the original booth (electricity) light source, where another increase in the required charge.
Based on the standard of environment light source requirement in the photoelectric proximity switch tests, and the practical tests complied with this standard, the judgement difference was presented.
The apparatus consists of the standard color plate, optical lens, the light source was observed, colorimetric tube.
The apparatus consists of the standard color plate, optical lens, the light source was observed, colorimetric tube.