With the working conditions and living standard progressing, obese rate is more and more higher for the tax officers, which causes diseases are more and more.
First, it USES the maximum statutory tax rate as a standard for its tax index calculation.
To qualify, all the tax-consolidated group's member companies must be subject to French corporate tax at the full standard rate and have 12-month fiscal years that end on the same date.
From the whole society, just revised expense deduct standard(1600 yuan)being too high and the design of the tax rate being not rational, are unfavorable to regulating resident's income difference;
This paper puts forward the idea about the dividing point of tariff rate, and discusses the scientific for the identified standard of a tax payer based on gross profit rate.
Financial profit rate before tax is 12.24%, higher than the planned 8% standard one. The economic efficiency is good and has certain anti-risk ability.
Financial profit rate before tax is 12.24%, higher than the planned 8% standard one. The economic efficiency is good and has certain anti-risk ability.