Wise investors should resist the urge to flee, reduce their holdings of risky assets and stare down the bear.
But such Allies are worried not just about Mr Obama's ability to stare down alarming, fast-rising powers such as China.
Against all odds, people find it in themselves to rise up, stare down the guns and grasp freedom from their oppressors. It happened in Tunisia, in Egypt, in Yemen.
They portray two old guys facing terminal illnesses who goad each other into accomplishing some long held fantasies as they stare down that long tunnel with the white light at the end.
She walked slowly down this place and stared at the faces which also seemed to stare at her.
And orderly sits Michael down inside the psych ward's TV room. Michael, still displaying the same vacant stare, now wears a white jumpsuit.
You don't want to stare someone down, but looking over their shoulder or, worse, across the room like you're searching for someone more interesting to speak with.
It's important to Queenslanders, like all Australians, that we see ourselves as people who look adversity in the eye, stare it down and band together to overcome it.
At first, he "shut down" emotionally, so overwhelmed that he sometimes withdrew "to sit in his chair and stare out into space," says Ms. Jackson of Westminster, Colo.
Erin says: This works, but don't stare him down.
See mother eyes a stare to me, alas, seems not to watch TV, I had to put down the remote back to write my homework in the room!
Saturn is squaring Pluto now which means some old fears and doubts will surface but the fastest way to eliminate them is to stare them down and walk on.
We walk down the streets ignoring the little things, the eyes who stare, the stories they share. Seeing everything is a background to "me".
Sometimes he'd quiet down and just stare sadly at the floor, like a man whittling.
She was guarded by a woman obviously her mother, who tried to stare Hagen down with a cold arrogance that made him want to punch her in the face.
Rather than slow down and stare at its target for a while, it instantly turns and fires.
Whenever he wants something he'll calmly sit down and stare at us until we ask him the right question.
Finish saying, I cross thighs apt sit down, the affection still keeps creature placed in stimulated status and stare him with of to see.
Seeing as Marian was boring holes through me with her stare, I gulped, nodded, and silently headed down the hall toward Mrs. Smith's room.
Don't cry for the milk poured down and don't stare at the closing door, just to find out the open window left by God.
Don't cry for the milk poured down and don't stare at the closing door, just to find out the open window left by God.