We can not see which way to go if the stars do not twinkle so.
The outer most crystalline sphere consists of fixed stars and these rotate around us which is why we see the stars moving in the sky.
Yes, stars can have atmospheres; that's typically the only part of a star we can see directly.
When we do that we find that this ring looks just like the rings we see around other stars, like Fomalhaut.
Looking back at the Milky Way we would see something that resembled a big spiral of glittering stars.
Look at a Milky Way through a telescope and you find that behind as it were all the stars we can see, are zillions more.
If the stars and gas that we can see inside galaxies are only a small portion of their total mass, then the velocities make sense.
If I manage to outgrow this current madness, the book that I write will open with the last line of Dante's Inferno: "And then we came out to see once more the stars."
If we continue on through the stars, we would be able to see newly-formed clusters of stars and ghostly glowing clouds of gas and dust where stars are either forming or have recently died.
If we continued on through the stars, we would be able to see newly-formed clusters of stars and ghostly glowing clouds of gas and dust where stars are either forming or have recently died.
That night we slept in a tent -- more or less the same as sleeping exposed, except you can't see the stars.
He can go fishing, I can go swimming, we can see many stars in the evening.
Later we see images of the Creation (" when the morning stars sang together ") and a terrestrial scene that recalls another of the Creator's questions: "Can you draw out Leviathan with a hook?"
When we see the commercial ads, we can find the stars look gorgeous, we are so envy about their young faces.
Here, we see two bills in a sheet of 32 that have had stars printed at the end of their serials Numbers to denote that they are replacements.
Gravity, however, causes density waves to move out through the galaxy which in turn triggers the formation of hot, bright young stars, producing the ring that we see in this picture.
When we open the TV, we will see the ads to advocate us to pursue perfectness, when we walk on the street, there are beautiful stars' pictures on the shops.
Using various detectors and research methods, astronomers have determined that the stuff we see in space - stars, gas, and dust - amounts to less than 5 percent of the universe.
Later we see images of the Creation ("when the morning stars sang together") and a terrestrial scene that recalls another of the Creator's questions: "Can you draw out Leviathan with a hook?
In the sky, we can see how the stars were many years ago, not how they are now.
We can't see stars in the daytime.
It was black in the empty space far between stars and we couldn't see anything. Buff was surprised when we landed on the star Zoo.
We can see the bright matter, like stars, but we know the existence of some other matter.
We can see the bright matter, like stars, but we know the existence of some other matter.