For most the dishwasher has a start and stop button and that's the extent of its functionality.
Once you have done the setup at the server end, you're able to start and stop the server using the modify button, as shown in Figures 28 and 29.
You can tell that your application is started when the Start button changes to a Stop button.
当Start按钮更改为Stop 按钮时,您可以判断应用程序已经启动。
Press ent button to register the entered start time and the underline moves to the next entry column (Stop time entry).
Our fully automated vacuum controller uses a simple two button "start" and "stop" system control so you can be freed up to perform other tasks while your process is running.
If you click on the stop button, it will change back to Start and the timer will stop running.
You can start or stop the motion of button holing by only pressing this single pedal.
ZPB Remote Button Box use of far distance control start, stop, emergency stop and shut off fans & oil pumps of various kinds of electrical equipment and display working state by indicator.
In addition, start and stop of emulsifying combustion can be controlled by a manual button, and the working condition signal and PWM duty ratio can be displayed by digital led.
A button type actuating part only needs lightly press the button and the parts do a minimal displacement, and then the entire start-stop action can be finished fast.
A button type actuating part only needs lightly press the button and the parts do a minimal displacement, and then the entire start-stop action can be finished fast.