People who move on with their lives don't stay on the same page, they start a new chapter.
People who move on with their lives, don't stay on the same page, they start a new chapter.
All building blocks will be available for some of you to start a new chapter, a new season, a new SPIRITUAL dawn.
Earlier this year, Andy Rubin, creator of Android, abruptly stepped down from that team, ostensibly to "start a new chapter at Google."
Stories, however, can be rewritten, and the moment you get curious, you begin a new chapter and start learning the real story.
A brighter future is ours to write. Let's begin this new chapter together — and let's start the work right now.
In chapter III the documentary under the new media environment, in the first part of this chapter, delimited the definitions of new media by making a start on the characteristics of new media.
In chapter III the documentary under the new media environment, in the first part of this chapter, delimited the definitions of new media by making a start on the characteristics of new media.