Tejo Remy wanted to start again from the beginning, like Robinson Crusoe on his lonely island, living on whatever can be found.
You may have spent a long time tweaking Firefox to get it the way you want it and if you subsequently lose all your preferences, then you would have to start again from the beginning.
Greatly disappointed in the result of the experiment, he had to start from the beginning again.
I know that I will start the book from the beginning again when I reach the end and I think that I will continue that cycle for the rest of my life.
Are you sure to "Start"? Note: "Start" means it will mail again from the very beginning,. If you do not want to do so, please click "Continue"!
Carol: That's serious. That means she'll have to take the whole course again. I can't believe she's going to have to start from the beginning.
Carol: That's serious. That means she'll have to take the whole course again. I can't believe she's going to have to start from the beginning.