It shows an Olympic athlete bursting out of the blocks at the start of a race.
A runner who lets himself be distracted at the start of a race pays a price and curses his luck.
That would then make it easier to end marriages amicably, with mediation and out-of-court agreement, rather than a race to start the beastly business of litigation.
Apple has had something of a head start in this race thanks to the visionary Mr Jobs, but Amazon, Google and a host of other companies are now hard on its heels.
The quarter begins today for the business world, and for Hewlett Packard it is the start of a new race.
对于商界来说,今天是全新季度的开始,而对于HewlettPackard 来说,这是又一场竞赛的开端。
The other was at the race start, when I realized I was one of the few without a wetsuit and the only one doing the entire 1.9km swim (1.2 miles) with a breaststroke.
The British runner got off to a bad start but had caught up with the leaders by the third lap of the race.
The first 5k of the race is at the beginning a little downhill and then totally flat ideal for an easy start.
The smaller boys were given a start of 10 seconds in the race.
Regardless of your character's race and class, you'll start a new game of World of Warcraft in front of a friendly character with a quest lined up for you.
I got the pleasure of hearing one start up and rev to the moon at the Laguna Seca MotoGP race a few years back, and my skin crawled for like 20 minutes afterwards.
The TUMBLING RUN adventure race, will be a mass start team competition, teams consisting, of 3 members, in the following categories: OPEN, COED and MASTERS.
Vettel was able to get back out in front of Alonso due to the lead he'd built up after a great start from pole, so Mark was now leading the race but yet to pit.
This is like getting a head start on everyone else in the race of life. Why wouldn't you prepare for the plan you are about to execute?
My start was not very good and I lost a couple of positions, and then traffic hampered my progress during the first half of the race.
Even at Hockenheim, Alonso was indeed faster than him, and only the circumstances of the start allowed Massa, who had qualified almost half-a-second off his team-mate, to take control of the race.
He continued the evaluation of the new mechanical and aero parts but also took part in a 10-minute race start session from the Hockenheim grid.
In 2009, the race of Champions will start with a group stage, where each driver in a group will race against each other, and those with the most wins move on to the next stage - the quarter finals.
The human is stepping into the train to start race line of that moment, Has completed a simple social role transformation, Each person's travel either long or short, either unforgettable, or lonely.
So even though I'm focused on the job you elected me to do, and the race may not reach full speed for a year or more, the work of laying the foundation for our campaign must start today.
We tried to simulate the start in terms of lines because we knew that if we were in front we could set a good pace for the first stint of the race, " explained Domenicali."
Elite classes have two RACES in each stage. Depending on the result of first race, the second race will be a chasing-start race. Total time of the two RACES will be the result of the stage.
Elite classes have two RACES in each stage. Depending on the result of first race, the second race will be a chasing-start race. Total time of the two RACES will be the result of the stage.