The state recognizes this in the large body of family laws that govern children's welfare, yet parents receive little help in meeting the life-changing obligations society imposes.
What parents do, in other words, is of deep concern to the state, for the obvious reason that caring for children is not only morally urgent but essential for the future of society.
There's a lot on the internet about a state-wide ban in Florida, but a few days worth of digging by a historian at the Florida State Historical Society found no such legislation.
In any society, the people who already have power will try to get the state to work in their interests.
And, despite occasional attempts to devolve power in line with Mr Cameron's "Big Society", the state will still fundamentally be the same shape, trying to do virtually all the same things.
In fact, we can never be fully free of the fear and of the anxiety and uncertainty of the state of nature, even within to some degree of fully constituted civil society.
In 2009 the American Society of Civil Engineers released a survey of the state of infrastructure in the u.
In 2009 the American Society of Civil Engineers released a survey of the state of infrastructure in the U.S..
But if its necessity is demonstrated to us in the framework of everyday life, society, state, familiar emotion, then the horror is hallowed.
Quintana Roo State has achieved remarkable results in building a secure and environment-friendly society.
Rent is rising and state-sponsored jobs which used to bring money into the area are being cut back in the name of a shift to unpaid "big society" roles.
The cost squeeze has led to a new type of society, perhaps best termed a "depleted" state, in which the military has drained resources from all other social functions.
"It is time," he said in his 1970 State of the Union address, "for those who make massive demands on society to make some minimal demands on themselves."
In January there was a collision between a Japanese ship and a trimaran from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, a green group based in the American state of Washington.
Bong Joon-ho took part in a Q&A at The Korea Society in New York City, where he talked about Mother, his previous films and the state of Korean cinema in 2010.
Huang Denggao, 66, the former head of a 600-person village in Yicheng, said the pilot policy had relieved the state-society tension in his village, Huangjiapu.
Since almost all the ideal state in the realistic society is not exist, so the absolute experiment is can't do.
Chinese people do not understand them as individuals in society should be the state and society responsibilities and obligations.
The provisions include state protection for whistle-blowers, as well as rewards for bringing legitimate cases - a strong incentive in an increasingly litigious society such as China's.
No, I could not recommend your society in its present state as an ideal for the transformation of ours.
It is the responsibility of administrators of modern state and society to lessen the side effects of rumors in unexpected mass incidents.
The parties, the state and society to participate in multi-subject case, in a consultative way to ease the conflict and resolve disputes to resolve the case.
In the absence of the compulsory State standards, trade standards and local standards, the goods and service shall meet generally accepted safety and health standards of society at large.
In the state of Maryland, a study group is recommending that authority's been empowered to cease firearms from people deemed mentally ill and a threat to society.
The State and society shall provide guarantees for deputies in their performance of functions as deputies.
If society has no standard of etiquette, the whole body will fall into a sorry state in which contact among social members will be disrupted by senseless impulsions and conflicts.
If society has no standard of etiquette, the whole body will fall into a sorry state in which contact among social members will be disrupted by senseless impulsions and conflicts.