Now there are no gaps, so this is the state of matter, and this was the state of a plasma.
An interactive learning journey through patterns in nature to redefine your true state of matter.
Hudson's team is focusing on the state of matter that exists at temperatures just above the temperature at which materials start to superconduct.
And if you take materials into laboratories, you can pull the electrons off the atoms and you have another state of matter which is called plasma.
"This state of matter doesn't exist anywhere naturally on Earth and is thought to only now occur during the collision of two neutron stars," he said.
Note: in a specific historical things, can't take its each an ideal state of matter, otherwise you will study that much energy carefully guarded.
You need a functional form that connects the value at one state of matter, the freezing point of water to another phase change, the boiling point of water.
Thinking harmonious and order stability of inside structure and motion in form of matter is structural foundation that evolves state of matter from low h...
The state of matter in which a substance exhibits a characteristic readiness to flow, little or no tendency to disperse, and relatively high incompressibility.
One of main objects of ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions experiments at RHIC and LHC is to discover this kind of new state of matter-quark gluon plasma.
The state of matter in which a substance exhibits a characteristic readiness to flow, little or no tendency to disperse, and relatively high incompressibility.
A "quark-gluon plasma" can be created if the collisions are energetic enough, a state of matter that existed during the high-energy conditions just after the Big Bang .
Plasma — an ionized gas sometimes called the fourth state of matter — typically exists at thousands of degrees Celsius, and hot plasmas are regularly used to sterilizing surgical equipment.
In Canada, racial ghettoization and imprisonment is still a matter of state policy.
The low entropy state (or high degree of order) was essential for making complex matter possible.
Although plasma might sound pretty exotic, the majority of matter found in the cosmos is in a plasma state.
Previously, black holes were seen as the endpoints of evolution, the final resting state of most or all of the matter in the universe.
These equations represent one of the most elegant and concise ways to state the behaviour of electric and magnetic fields and how they interact with matter.
No matter the state of your personal finances, whether you’re wealthy or poor or somewhere in between, take time to set goals.
Thus, it is able to bring the filesystem back to a consistent state in a matter of seconds.
Matter doesn't strive, its not the material things have some sort of desire to reach a particular state.
Lord Keynes, though a lesser mathematician, wrote that the state of confidence "is a matter to which practical men pay the closest and most anxious attention."
But, if the Banks got into trouble again, it might allow the state to rescue only the bits of them that really matter to the public.
However, this was simply a matter of choice; we could have used an interaction or state machine.
No matter the city, state, or region, those who know schools best are frightened for the future of public education.
In the land of voodoo and witchcraft, legends and legendary disasters, it's no wonder New Orleans -and the state of Louisiana, for that matter -is rife with ghost tales.
In the land of voodoo and witchcraft, legends and legendary disasters, it's no wonder New Orleans -and the state of Louisiana, for that matter -is rife with ghost tales.