A state excise tax increase on cigarettes in 2011 will only serve to jeopardize existing state revenue from tobacco.
Tax is a main source of state revenue, but enterprise's economic interests will certainly be reduced as a result of paying taxes.
But Latvia says higher taxes would discourage entrepreneurs and that chaos in the state revenue office means that the higher rates would bring in little extra cash.
As China develops and has access to increased state revenue so investment to the less privileged rural population is increasingly vital for reducing income gaps and maintaining social stability.
At the same time, they provide state and local governments with billions of dollars of revenue.
It appeared reasonable that they should contribute part of that revenue to ease the shogun's burden of financing the state.
The damage from state arbitrage could increase the scale of defaults in the second type of municipal securities: Revenue Bonds.
But money needs to be found from somewhere, and as the Economist went to press the measure was still included in the revenue bill being considered by the state senate.
State Grid is the world's largest utility company, with 2006 revenue of 852.9 billion yuan ($115.6 billion) and profit of 26.9 billion yuan.
These, together with farmed animals (farms must also contribute financially to the wild population) generate $20m in revenue for the state every year.
The state treasury’s liability revenue was 247.7 billion yuan (US$29.84 billion), fulfilling the budgeted goal by 99.6 percent.
The print media are in an awful state-and not just because advertising revenue always dives in recessions.
And according to a Mobile newspaper, the director of investigations for Alabama's revenue department said the state never expected actually to sell stamps to drug users.
The decline in revenue collections for the city and state will likely reach its nadir this year, he said.
The country is targeting excise tax revenue in 2009 of 48.2 trillion rupiah, an increase of 2.7 trillion rupiah compared to the revised 2008 state budget.
The state financial allocation used in cultural relics protection shall be increased with the increase of financial revenue.
Reduced bonuses will cost New York state almost $1 billion in personal income tax revenue and New York City will see about $275 million less than in 2007, DiNapoli said.
If a country like the United States is a revenue deficit of the state, how do they need?
It was more autonomous than other departments of state, operating as estate managers - able to raise revenue as well as spend public money!
We can draw some conclusions from the empirical analysis: 1. The revenue structure between State-owner Banks and Joint-stock Banks and City Banks are vary from each other.
The problem of equity revenue management of State-owned listed companies has been the focus of practices and the academic sector.
The revenue is being used to finance an expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program, or SCHIP.
The revenue is being used to finance an expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program, or SCHIP.