HTTP is conventionally considered a stateless protocol.
Hypertext Transfer protocol (HTTP), which is the basis for Web applications, is a stateless protocol.
超文本传输协议(Hypertext Transfer Protocol,HTTP)是Web应用程序的基础,是一种无状态的协议。
But how does the servlet container track clients that are communicating over a stateless protocol such as HTTP?
To call HTTP a stateless protocol (see Resources, below), as we conventionally do, means both more and less than is first apparent.
传统上把HTTP 称为无状态协议(参见参考资料),意味着这或多或少是最明显的特征。
Because HTTP is a stateless protocol, there is no inherent information about the page a user looked at previously before he or she looks at another one.
If you are using a protocol that is stateless and authenticates on every request (such as WS-security with UserNameTokens), this can generate heavy registry authentication traffic.
如果使用每个请求都要求身份验证的无状态协议(比如使用UserNameTokens的WS - security),这会产生很大的注册表身份验证通信流。
This makes this protocol stateless.
Sun introduced NFSv4 with strong security along with a stateful protocol (prior versions of NFS were stateless).
Sun引入了具有较高安全性,带有状态协议的NFSv4 (NFS之前的版本都是无状态的)。
HTTP is a stateless request-response-oriented protocol.
Web services produce loosely-coupled systems that clients typically communicate with in a stateless, asynchronous manner, requiring no concern for the underlying protocol or location of the service.
The key point of supporting this service is how to make it seamlessly corporated with WEB elements while the HTTP protocol is stateless and the main information for browser is based on text files.
The JDWP protocol is stateless, so the VM handles individual debugger requests as they arrive, and posts events to the debugger as they happen.
The JDWP protocol is stateless, so the VM handles individual debugger requests as they arrive, and posts events to the debugger as they happen.