The number, please, of the Staten Island Ferry lost-and-found office. Five five five... zero eight zero eight.
渡轮失物招领处的电话号码,555 - 0808。
This Italianate guesthouse is a good reason to step off the free Staten Island ferry and explore the city's "forgotten borough".
By 6:45, I was already tired as I drove him to the Staten Island ferry. I was relieved the sky was gray, softening the edges of the skyline.
Or, because no trip to New York is complete without seeing the Statue of Liberty, jump on the free Staten Island Ferry for a view of this enigmatic lady, Ellis Island and lower Manhattan.
Or, because no trip to New York is complete without seeing the Statue of Liberty, jump on the free Staten Island Ferry for a view of this enigmatic lady, Ellis Island and lower Manhattan.