Python data types are dynamic as opposed to the static data types in XML schema.
Can you then add new data types and new operations without recompiling and retain static types?
In static SQL, this is not an issue, because the expected data types are known during programming time.
The static methods of Seam.Component provide access to remote Seam components, while the static Seam.Remoting methods are used to control the remoting Settings and to create custom data types.
Component的静态方法提供了对远端Seam组件的访问,而静态Seam .remoting方法则用来控制remoting设置并创建定制数据类型。
The type of data is returned as an integer that represents the data type. The following static fields (constants) represent the data types
The type of data is returned as an integer that represents the data type. The following static fields (constants) represent the data types