The sea level is almost even with the blue sky into a static moment to enjoy a memorable time.
Again in the static moment stayed deep looked out on his reflections on the window of the crumpled shape.
The modification was low_costed, needing only a short construction time. The maximum static moment calculation criterion was adopted to design the driving motor.
As the number of customers at any given moment is not static, we may want to update the list of customer cities periodically, possibly weekly or monthly, so that the list stays up-to-date.
The static keyword forces PHP to bind to the code implementation at the latest possible moment.
This moment snuggled up to the candlelight to let our static crossing.
This curve applies the brake to the reasonable selective security when the braking moment has the vital significance to the static torque multiple.
Many methods, e. g. static force method, moment method, sub-region method and least square method, have been used tog et the critical load.
The influence of the tire characteristics, such as rolling resistance, static steering resisting moment and side slip etc.
Because the data analyzing is not focused only on one moment, but also the analysis is carried out on the data by time sequence, static state research and the dynamic state research is combined.
The influences of moving load on shear stress and bending moment are analysed by static characteristics, and the reliability of crane is studied with MonteCarlo method.
The framework that I choose for the surveillance system is based on tracking. I only deal with static camera at this moment, so background modeling is a suitable way to detect the moving objects.
Should first cut off the power supply, and water pipes on hand on a moment to release its own static.
When I argue that architecture must be experienced via the body in space all the joy of the liquification and its volatile mutability in dissolving this moment is gone in the static images.
The maximum tilting force moment value can be obtained by analyzing the static resisting force moment at individual points on the track along which mixers move.
A new approach to numerical solution of the boundary-value problems of static-electric fields, the Modified Green Function kernel integral equation and its moment-method solution, is presented.
According to equivalent principle of quality and moment of inertia, a method of static calibration for multi-dimensional angular accelerometer is proposed.
According to equivalent principle of quality and moment of inertia, a method of static calibration for multi-dimensional angular accelerometer is proposed.