Singletons and static state have been accused of being problematic for many years.
The linear and saturate portion of MOSFET static state behavior is also included.
Nevertheless but, had better let programmer change the URL static state of the website processing.
The objects include static state equipment objects, technical operation objects and temporary objects.
These displays sip power, drawing just one milliwatt in a static state and 30 milliwatts when showing video.
这些显示屏能耗极小,静止状态时能耗仅1毫瓦,显示视频时能耗 [也不过]30毫瓦。
The part is not in a static state for a long time, so as to ensure the running performance of the machine.
Method:We have made the rotating bioreactor and cultured cells in the bioreactor compared with static state.
Adopting zircon pump as inspiration pump, a static state simulation equipment was designed for vacuum holding.
These segments assembled the engine model with property of dynamic and static state in the whole operating range.
The characteristics of aluminum air batterys static state and dynamic state and the testing method are introduced.
From the view of static state, its main structural factors are social system, individual system and natural system.
The static state and dynamic methods of LFG collection field trial in Nanjing Shuige Landfill Plant are introduced.
It can be used as fine control component and static state error compensation or dynamic error compensation component.
To discuss the physics course and mechanism of Dadianzi well 's barometric effect in static state obturation response.
According to one embodiment of FIG. 5, circuit 515 is a memory circuit that stores a static state for the select signal.
Static state hydraulic disorder exists in fixed flow system and can be solved by static state hydraulic balancing valve.
The leakage curves in the indicator diagram of a pumping well reflect the forces born by the sucking rod in static state.
It also researches some problems: contradiction of static state theory and dynamic theory and lacking of the research toward "I".
The essay studied the permeation flux of hollow fiber microfiltration membrane device under the static state operation to treat the soy.
The static state modeling method of equipment and the key technology of dynamic simulation in experiment of machinery bases based on VRML are explored.
Is above calculation of Be just the structure and form that the static state distributes, haven't calculated once escaping a Shu type to launch output variable.
In this article, the author analyses on the static state algorithm (including default route algorithm) and the basic dynamic route algorithm in the network layer.
Based on dynamic test of bolt quality, the forecast means for bolt bearing capacity using gray system is discussed. The result is compared with static state test.
This paper introduces the procedure of adjusting and opening and the contents and method of key item of static state and dynamic testing of automation hump engineering.
When the wind speed is too high, the most safety measure to wind power set is stop working, the load of wind power set in static state is smaller by far than dynamic state.
Limit control system of expanding double-cross is a new control method, it changes control mode from former static state to dynamic one in controlling limit rate air to fuel.
Study it is people is used at reading, the space of work of a kind of static state that write and learns, people requirement is concentration of cool-headed, attention, quiet.
In static state characteristic test, pressure gain characteristic, runoff characteristic with load, runoff characteristic without load and leakage characteristic are completed.
In static state characteristic test, pressure gain characteristic, runoff characteristic with load, runoff characteristic without load and leakage characteristic are completed.