A new complementary energy stationary value principle in elastic dynamics is presented and proved.
The Other is to get the value through the stationary value principle of general potential energy or other similitude method with correlation energy.
On the ground of the potential energy stationary value theory, the formulas for stability calculation are developed and compared with the existing formulas.
With the driving detuning increasing, the oscillating time of the dispersion of the driving field becomes longer, the amplitude and the stationary value increase.
Generally, it is not easy to find the exact tail-estimation for the distribution of the minimum value in partial sum sequence of a stationary ergodic Markov chain.
The relationship between the chromatographic peak form of the compounds with different polarity and the retain value has been studied by using non-polar stationary phase.
Traditional statistics-based approach utilizes a stationary model, in which anomaly value is calculated according to events frequencies in history.
Opti-mal comfort is defined as a minimum root mean square value of a stationary Gaussian random process weighted with respect to human sensitivity.
The statistical model of frequency and intensity of anomalous microtherm events in Nanjing is established by means of the extreme value distribution theory of stationary time series.
These basic stationary lounges provide exceptional value by allowing you to add only the optional features you need. Mobile coach configuration available.
Meanwhile, the correlation energy calculated by the hybrid approach of DFT and HF is smaller than the HF value in magnitude, the difference being explained by the stationary correlation energy.
Errors are inevitable in all the stationary and dynamic measuring process which prevents us to get the real value of the measured quantity directly.
The first class of regular method is named stationary method which include two methods, truncated singular value decomposition (TSVD) method and truncated total least squares (TTLS) method.
The first class of regular method is named stationary method which include two methods, truncated singular value decomposition (TSVD) method and truncated total least squares (TTLS) method.