The software estimation makes statistical estimation on the software size of a project.
The characteristic is the application of the principle of statistical test and statistical estimation br.
The purpose of OD investigations is to make statistical estimation of the average value of the samples based on the OD data obtained.
The first part is the review of knowledge in basic educational Stat. which involves basic statistical variables, statistical estimation and describing Stat.
Kalman filter in mathematics is a statistical estimation methods, By a series of errors with the actual measurement data and the physical parameters of the best estimate.
The statistical estimation inversion of gravity anomaly is a kind of method studying the forward andinvereion problems of gravity anomaly in light of the statistical viewpoint.
Estimation of PMP includes such methods as generalized estimation, local storm maximization, storm transposition, storm combination, ratiocination model and statistical estimation.
Ensemble data assimilation is at the intersection of ensemble forecasting methodologies and relatively independently developed data assimilation based on the theory of statistical estimation.
The two statistical views, V11 and V12 are created to improve estimation.
To compensate for the estimation error, a statistical view can be created and readied for exploitation as follow.
Empirical estimation of cost functions requires statistical techniques which relate the cost of constructing or operating a facility to a few important characteristics or attributes of the system.
Parameter estimation as minimization - intro to method of least squares, introduction to probability theory, conditional and joint probabilities, statistical independence.
This paper analyzes the application of the statistical analysis method to the estimation of the liquefaction of sand.
This paper presents the effect of the common process noise on track statistical distance and performance of state estimation fusion.
This algorithm can realize linear minimum mean square error estimation of yaw rate, and on-line estimate statistical characteristic of system noise and observation noise during vehicle running.
This dissertation also does research on the application in estimation of communication signals' carrier offset and symbol rate with the parametric statistical method.
They use a statistical technique called probabilistic estimation in which probabilities are assigned to estimated or unknown figures.
To raise the accuracy in the drawing both the statistical comparison and the method of combined estimation of the standard Curve were approached the condition of repeateddetermination.
By using subspace disturbing analysis to investigate the statistical performance of the CSS, the relationship between the DOA estimation error and the signal to noise ratio (SNR) was presented.
For the case of the reliability statistical test which is a small sample, this paper presents disadvantages of point and interval estimation of classical reliability.
Additionally, the paper investigates the statistical characteristics of objective functions of harmonic state estimation problem and thus presents practical algorithm evaluating quality of estimation.
Indicator Kriging is a nonparametric statistical method which can make spatial estimation without abandoning peculiar value of reservoir parameters.
Compared with the Sf obtained from the concept of parameter estimation, the Sbased on the idea of hypothesis test is'much colser to the actual statistical value.
In order to prepare statistical technology for the property analysis of bearing estimation, the statistical property of single vector sensor must be studied first.
A new statistical formula is constructed for testing the significant level of estimated results of classic estimation of three-way heterosis.
This paper studies a statistical seismic wavelet estimation method, which based on higher order statistics and the hybrid ant colony algorithm.
This algorithm overcomes the weakness of the FIMM with low estimation accuracy and the limitations of the adaptive filter based on the "current"statistical model.
Statistical data analysis, time series analysis, and error estimation will be discussed in the context of each lab.
On the basis of activation energy changes and experimental statistical method, we suggest two methods for the rapid estimation of thermal life of enamelled wires.
Recently, the statistical methods of seismic wavelet estimation achieved comprehensive application in real seismic data processing.