Courses of study include basic computer science principles, data management, statistical analysis, simulation software, data-management system design, and related subjects.
The statistical hypotheses about failure behavior of a software system are theoretical bases of software reliability models.
The author of this article probed into the necessity, the content system and the teaching mode of statistical software course setting.
The impact point and position of shooting training could be received with the method of image processing using the software of system, also the statistical results of trainers could be calculated.
The system was composed of hardware inspecting circuit and related software, and possessed signal sampling, waveform showing, statistical analysis of data, curve repaint and data storing function etc.
A new software system PPCH3.2 is developed for data study, analysis of statistical correlation of experimental data and plotting of related graphs.
Support for statistical data derived flow of a strong common CSV format, the software occupies system resources is very low, very low impact on the system.
This paper analyses and discusses the statistical feature, the effectiveness and the defect of the digital preprocessing method by means of hardware and software in the analyzer system.
This paper analyses and discusses the statistical feature, the effectiveness and the defect of the digital preprocessing method by means of hardware and software in the analyzer system.