In modern civil Law theory, persona and personal rights have different meaning and they get different status in the system of concept.
Among them, what kind of status and meaning are civil juristic act system in the civil law system?
It is the two phases of a thing that the status of administrative rules as civil law sources and the normative function on civil rules by administrative law.
The article mainly analyses women's status in Qing Dynasty from the viewpoint of penal law, civil law and lawsuit.
The real property has specially important status in the social and economic life, so how to create scientific real property right system is substantial content in civil law of many countries.
The second part is the nature of community rights and its status in the civil-law system.
There are many difficulties on the aspects of constitution and legal status of corporation representative among countries of common law system and civil law system.
The first part: analyzes the concept and the characteristics of the chattel mortgage system, then its status in the civil law real right system.
But there are little of them study on in law eyes, especially about the women's civil law status in Tang Dynasty.
Safeguard in civil law concerning right of status, includes three ways that are right to petition endowing to the obligee of status, litigant right of confirmation and right of action of formation.
It is hoped that the civil main body status of the non - enterprise unit's managed by people is clearly given out in the "code of civil law".
But so far there is not clear definition on the preparing corporation in the laws of China and the corporation in preparation has not been endued with the corporate entity status in civil law.
In our country code civil formulation process, the law of tort prepares continuously in the code civil system status question was disputed.
At present, law theorists are divided as to their understanding of rights of status under Chinese civil law.
At present, law theorists are divided as to their understanding of rights of status under Chinese civil law.