An age that is all about growth and risk needs some anchors and weights, a model of steadfastness when all else is in flux.
Stone stands for steadfastness.
An admirable steadfastness among Thai people is wearing thin.
But he was attacked with increasing boldness and steadfastness.
Unity of the flexibility of steadfastness and tactics of adhering to principles.
"The age of sumud (stubborn steadfastness) has passed," says a local businessman.
Our life was in upheaval and transition and she exuded steadfastness, hard work and quiet.
There was an unceremonious directness, a searching, decided steadfastness in his gaze now.
I shall get up Sunday morning and wind the clock, as a contribution to order and steadfastness.
I appreciate from the core of my heart your steadfastness in continuing the attitude and aims of your fathers.
Yet they are not all equal, some of them being particularly outstanding in qualities of steadfastness and patience under trial.
Jn. 3 For I rejoiced greatly at the brothers' coming and testifying to your steadfastness in the truth, even as you walk in truth.
This option might win Israel some plaudits internationally, but it risks allowing Hamas to claim that its resistance and steadfastness has triumphed.
You therefore, brethren, knowing these things before, take heed, lest being led aside by the error of the unwise, you fall from your own steadfastness.
Use orderliness and stability to confront chaos and disorder. Use calmness and steadfastness to deal with noisiness and clamour. This is control of the psychological factor.
The ambassador has invited Senator Kyl and his wife for dinner at Mr. Kao's Chinese restaurant to praise him for his steadfastness in protecting America's (read: our) interests.
By extinguishing the blazing fire of passions with the water of steadfastness, the saint comes to the highest happiness like a man descending into a cool pool in the hot weather.
Though Taurus' strong practicality, reliability, and steadfastness may have been what drew you to one another initially, these qualities may not continue to impress you later on.
Pet. 3:17 You therefore, beloved, since you know these things beforehand, be on your guard lest being carried away by the error of the lawless, you fall from your own steadfastness.
There was an unceremonious directness, a searching, decided steadfastness in his gaze now, which told that intention, and not diffidence, had hitherto kept it averted from the stranger.
This gives time for interminable conversation about the weather and allows full play for demonstration of supposed English virtues of patience and steadfastness in adverse circumstances.
In his steadfastness to withstand the torment the Titan was supported by the knowledge that in the thirteenth generation there should arrive a hero, - sprung from Jove himself, - to release him.
这位提坦巨人坚忍不拔地忍受着煎熬,因为他知道在第十三代时就会有一个英雄- - -朱庇特的亲儿子- - -来解救他。果然不爽,时候一到英雄真的来了。
In his steadfastness to withstand the torment the Titan was supported by the knowledge that in the thirteenth generation there should arrive a hero, - sprung from Jove himself, - to release him.
这位提坦巨人坚忍不拔地忍受着煎熬,因为他知道在第十三代时就会有一个英雄- - -朱庇特的亲儿子- - -来解救他。果然不爽,时候一到英雄真的来了。