These steam conditions put new requirements on the steam turbine turbojet.
The steam is then used to drive a steam turbine, as in a normal steam plant.
So it's a simple cycle where the gas from, and this is helium gas now, is circulated through the reactor and goes right to the gas turbines, and it's a gas turbine not a steam turbine.
This liquid is then used to heat water and cause it to turn into steam, which is used in a steam turbine, just like coal and oil plants.
Not to have the foreign exchange to buy a new bearing for a steam turbine, or oil, or fertilizer, when the need arises is a risk they simply cannot afford.
In a steam turbine, the steam pushes against blades.
In the summer of 1969, Li Wansheng, a skilled worker from Harbin Steam Turbine Works, was dispatched to Hanwang for the construction of a new factory — Dongfang Steam Turbine Works.
Two reactors, one big steam turbine hall and cooling towers for heat removal.
With analysis of implement and type selection for steam turbine power supply on LNG ship, the authors forecast the development of new-generation propulsion equipment for LNG ship in future.
Each Flexblue includes a small nuclear reactor, steam turbine-alternator set, plus electrical equipment that allows the electricity to be carried to the coast.
In the light of the problems involved in a steam turbine rotor fault diagnosis proposed in this paper is a new diagnostic method based on a fuzzy self organizing neural network.
The steam turbine drivers are warmed by slowly opening the exhaust valves.
This paper presents the reliability design methods of steam turbine parts and systems.
The fast cooling technology of steam turbine is the process that the cooling medium is used to accelerate the temperature reduction of cylinder and rotor after the shutdown of turbogenerator.
In a steam turbine, steam from pipes is directed onto the blades.
Integratedgasification combined cyclesystem, using both gas and steam turbine offers significant improvement in overall system efficiency an.
To the embrittlement phenomenon of steam turbine rotor, this thesis calculated 300mw steam turbine rotor's transient temperature field of cold start-up using FEA method.
UG NX2 that this is on the main steam valve in the steam turbine design for specific description.
How to decrease the overspeed while the steam turbine suddenly lose full load is one of the important problems to design the control system of the steam turbine.
Combined with computer simulation, this method can be applied to steam turbine performance prediction, optimizing control as well as condition monitoring and fault diagnosis.
On a street not far from the steam turbine factory, we could not see any house left intact.
Steam turbine water impact which could cause steam turbine equipment severe damages is one of vicious incidents.
A treatment method of super-saturation steam for deposited salt in steam turbine is introduced, output of the steam turbine is therefore improved through purge.
The composition on general Analysis Software of steam turbine Thermal Performance Tests is introduced, and general calculation model of heater for steam turbine is given.
An expected performance calculation and assessment method of running steam turbine was also proposed in the paper.
An expected performance calculation and assessment method of running steam turbine was also proposed in the paper.